the end and the beginning

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A small breeze blew a wisp of her black hair, making Amara pause from her writing and look at her window and balcony. Both were closed, the AC was also at its normal temperature, a breeze shouldn't be existent at this time. She frowned, as she stood up and walked to her balcony. Pulling the curtains aside she then proceeded to open the balcony door and stepped outside.

Her flat is on the 7th floor and could easily overlook the small city where she lives. It was 4pm, usually at this time when the window was open, the noise of the bustling little city would reach her room. The sound of vehicles and faint chatter of people would reach her floor thus making her close her windows and balcony to prevent any outside noise from entering her space and disturbing her silence when working.

But this time, it was silent. Unusually silent. Amara stepped close to the railing of her balcony and looked down.


No vehicles rushing to and fro, no people on the sidewalks. Not even a peep of a bird could be heard. There was only a deafening silence.

A strange feeling of panic started to form within Amara. The pounding of her heart on her chest and her faint breathing was like the only sound existing right now. The faint breeze she felt earlier has also disappeared just like everyone and everything else, it's like the air became stagnant and time stopped - except for her.

As the ominous feeling intensified, a foreboding tremor rippled through the very fabric of the world around Amara. Gripping the railing of her balcony, she braced herself against the growing turbulence. The air itself seemed charged with an eerie energy, and a surreal silence enveloped the surroundings, broken only by the low, unsettling hum of the world as if in pain.

Amara, who was silent the whole time, couldn't suppress a small gasp as her gaze swept across the empty world before her. her small city, once vibrant and whole, was now succumbing to this strange phenomenon. It started with subtle fractures, tiny fault lines that snaked across the landscape like veins of impending doom. Cracks splintered through the air, creating a dissonant symphony of breaking realities.

As the ominous feeling intensified, a foreboding tremor rippled through the very fabric of the world around Amara. Gripping the railing of her balcony, she braced herself against the growing turbulence. The air itself seemed charged with an eerie energy, and a surreal silence enveloped the surroundings, broken only by the low, unsettling hum that echoed through the empty expanse.

Amara, usually composed and silent, couldn't suppress a small gasp as her gaze swept across the desolate panorama before her. The world, once vibrant and whole, was now succumbing to a catastrophic unraveling. It started with subtle fractures, tiny fault lines that snaked across the landscape like veins of impending doom. Cracks splintered through the air, creating a dissonant symphony of breaking realities.

The disintegration accelerated, defying the laws of nature. Chunks of the world crumbled away into nothingness, leaving behind an unsettling void. Buildings dissolved into fleeting fragments, and landscapes melted like dreams. The very essence of existence seemed to decay, as if the world itself were being erased from the canvas of reality.

Amara, still clinging to the balcony railing, felt a profound sense of helplessness for the first time in her 21 years of existence. The once-sturdy structure beneath her fingers quivered as the world continued its inexorable descent into chaos. The emptiness expanded, consuming everything in its path, as if a being hungry for life were sweeping across everything that existed and swallowing it.

Her knuckles turned white from the force she used to grip on the metal railing, whether it was due to nervousness or something else, even though she herself didn't know. The sturdy railing felt fragile as the world fell apart. The air crackled, and panic gripped her. Suddenly, the ground gave way, and she tumbled into the expanding void.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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