Maya and Fynleigh sent each other confused looks at what on earth the two were saying, the older woman pulling a playful face of boredom sending the teen into a quiet laugh. The woman behind the counter, apparently named Anna, had sent them home with her special recipe cookies - fresh out of the oven and specially for the teenager. She called her a bella ragazza, whatever that even meant (hopefully a compliment).

Fynleigh sat at the kitchen table, the borrowed laptop from Maya preloaded on the testing page silently threatening her. They would find out she was stupid, granted she'd missed out on a lot of school but she didn't let that stop her from beating on herself and she definitely thought of herself as rather stupid. So many random facts rattled around her brain which were so useless but at least she knew something.

"Remember to not pressure yourself  bambina, it's just to get a sense of what you know and where you might need some support." Carina smiled warmly - totally relatable words from a woman, already super smart and medically certified! The teen fought the urge to scoff, knowing her foster mother was just trying to be encouraging and instead pulled a face at the bottle of nutritional milkshake that Carina set down for her. Oh goody!

The order Carina had put in after Arizona's recommendation had recently had arrived and the Italian was already firm with the one shake a day rule as Fynleigh's eating was improving but still disordered. With a soft squeeze of the girls shoulder of encouragement, she joined her wife on the sofa as to not hover around the girl as much as she wanted to.

Luckily, the test only consisted of two parts, maths and English as they were the only classes that were grouped based on ability but unluckily she found she sucked at both. Fyn squinted at the letters on the screen as they seemed to move and cross over, she was already failing at the first few questions. Great, so great.

She fought the frustration that bubbled inside her, fighting the urge to do something she'd regret to the computer and managed to complete the first section with great difficulty. The teenager was reluctant to move onto the maths section and find out how much more of a failure she was. Instead, she swung her legs from the dining chair she sat on and clicked the pen repetitively against the notebook she'd given.

Finally she reached the second section, under Carina's watchful eye as she watched from the sofa. It was either work through the worst subject in the world where she couldn't care less if x found y (they could be apart forever for all she cared) - or drink the dreaded shake. Maths seemed like the safer option although she didn't like either choice. Many questions and so many questions of her own later, like why the hell does Jamie need 29 oranges damn, loose the fruit - newsflash it's a bit weird, she was glad to be finished.

Her success was short lived as it was now apparently Maya's turn to remind her about the horrid drink that sat beside her still unopened, yayy two against one. The small red head pulled a face and reluctantly opened the bottle, taking the smallest sip possible with a visible cringe as the weirdly salty liquid hit her tongue. So gross.

Under Maya and Carina's encouraging smiles from where they remained on the sofa, not wanting to disrupt her as they were unaware she had finished - she found herself forcing a smile back and turning away from their line of sight to hide her grimaces as she drank the liquid as quickly as possible. With a fake thumbs up and ignoring the horrendous taste in her mouth, she cringed and placed the empty bottle far away from her and decided to use this time to satisfy her curiosity's.

Like with every foster parent, they always had open access to her file but she never knew as much about their lives in return. Maya was a firefighter and Carina was a baby doctor with an obsession with vaginas wasn't much to go off, instead of directly asking she found herself turning to the internet. Maybe they had some skeletons in the closet or something, at least this way she'd know!

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