49. The door behind which we stand - I trust you

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You opened one door that you don't regret opening.

You wanted to close the door that opened on its own, without your intervention.

You wished you could stand behind that door you wanted to open.

And before you opened the door, there was a wall of ignorance. You couldn't remember anything that was good or bad. Because that's how your post-shock therapy works.

You forgot what was good and what was bad.

The times when you were at school.

It was a blessed wall of ignorance that allowed you to live without knowing that there was something there that you shouldn't leave behind.

Someone you shouldn't leave behind.
This was the most painful thing for your heart. Leave him and never come back.
Because of the fear that gripped you after what happened at school. He's gone mad.
You shouldn't leave him. Year after year, you could end up regretting it more and more. If only you hadn't forgotten him.
You wanted to disappear from life so as not to feel the emptiness that was inside you from the first day without him.

At school, you opened the white door with a blue diamond handle. But you didn't go far, staying close to the door because the darkness beyond seemed so thick.
Then you left there. But you left the door open.
You were protected by a wall of blissful ignorance.

From what lurks in this darkness, this is what protected you.
One day, you were forced to go through this door. That hurts.
And then, when you were pushed there, you started to go deeper because you had no other choice.

So that this wall of ignorance will break. And it completely fell to pieces.

The emptiness you felt seemed to fill with each step you took.

Until finally, there was no emptiness.

And here you saw a light in the darkness.

And quiet whispers that invited you closer. With each passing moment, you began to listen to these whispers more and more. To finally hear that these are true words.

Whispers form words of love.

"I love you"

"You're mine"

"Do not leave me"

"Come back to me"

"I want you so bad"

"Love me"

"Be with me"

"I love you, cupcake"

When you decided to go into the deeper darkness, behind the nice light, the whispers turned into screams.

You meant to say, "Don't Shout". However, they were screams of joy. A person who was happy that you were finally there.
You came.

A man's voice, but just like a child's. So dark, but innocent. Craving love. Because that's what that person wanted.

You clung to the warm light in this darkness.
It was so nice. The pain in your heart disappeared. And then you remembered...

Darkness indoors is life. Painful. Empty. Nothing can change that. But everyone will experience this warm light at some point.

You entered even deeper darkness to find a small light to cuddle up to. And you felt the darkness of your life dissipate.

Because your light was the man whose voice you heard in your sleep.

However, you didn't dream of this. You heard his voice every time because he was there while you were sleeping. He watched over your sleep. He watched you there to keep you safe. He calmed you down, giving you pleasant dreams.
Even if you were his light.

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