48. The door you opened

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A/n: I'm absolutely not sure about this chapter...

With a wince of pain visible on your face, you walked in front of Zenin, who held your wrists in one hand behind your back

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With a wince of pain visible on your face, you walked in front of Zenin, who held your wrists in one hand behind your back.

This is a crazy bastard...

Or at first, he wanted to kill you!

Why does he need all this? You're not someone he's interested in.

He didn't try to be gentle with you from the beginning. He never even wanted to be careful!

He hurt you. He was terrible...

It hurt so much.

Satoru would never do something like that to you.

So if he wants to kill you so badly, why does he even bother to bring you to Tokyo so Ieiri can heal you?

He is so vulnerable when he is away from home with you.

But a binding vow is still a vow. There's no way around it.

But there was a loophole in this.

However, unless you knew this, nothing could work.

Satoru's psyche was wearing thin. He tried to stay calm to give you some more time.

He knew that the longer you stayed with Naoya, the longer you would suffer.

However, you had to forgive him for also wanting you two not to have to run away after all this.

The bloody path would not allow you to live the most normal life.

And he wants to give you a life that you will treat as perfect.

Just as he promised to protect you, he promised you happiness.

Just as he promised you a life without pain.

Just as you want to let Him lead you through all the holes that are created in the path of your lives.

Your path is not over yet.

You don't die here, despite the pain.

You try, and you will try. Until it's too late.

Because life in lockdown can also be pleasant and happy.

Lying on a dark, invisible floor, a person only wants to reach for the doorknob that is in front of someone.

Even if it means getting into danger.

The invisible floor is life, which will never change. You're lying on it. Sometimes this turns into a staircase, making life difficult.

Sometimes it's different.

Sometimes there are doors that you can open, but you don't have to.

A door leading somewhere other than what you see and feel while lying in the world. A cold, unchanging world without care.

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