Fuck you, yea!

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Third chapter without the fourth wall and the insert of a Multiverse. Lyric quoting takes place aswell as Violence but no blood.

Be warned.

"Fuck me man, but not literally.." Mickey sighed.

13th of October, 2:30 PM

Somewhere in a Warehouse in Downtown L.A

"YOU FUCKING WHORE!" Mickey's voice echoed through the empty Warehouse. Alisha stood next to Mickey, slightly turned away from the scene going on.

Mickey was standing infront of Luna. "How dare you go behind my back when I made you! I picked you up and build you!" Mickey yelled at Luna who was tied to a Chair in the middle of the Warehouse.

"I saved you! I-" Mickey was at a loss of words and took a deep breath. "Fuck you, yea!" Mickey exclaimed and turned away from Luna.


"Now you may ask, what the fuck happened between the shot at Slim's bar and this scene. I can tell you. Hi, Alisha talking. Back to the point.

After Luna, one of our best friends tried to shoot Mickey at Slim's bar, Mickey snapped. Now what does "Mickey snapped" mean. Mickey snapped means that Mickey got physical. Fact is: Mickey is a hothead with a short temper.

Now Luna tried to explain herself but for Mickey there is nothing to explain in this situation. Long story short: Mickey punched Luna and knocked her out.

Bit brutal I know but that's Mickey. We then took Luna to a abonded Warehouse on the Eastside of Downtown where no soul lives and only warehouses linger. Mickey tied Luna down to a chair and taped her mouth shut. That's how we ended up in the Situation from earlier.

Now you know what happened. Back to Mickey and Luna."

"I gave you everything! From a purpose to a mission you had to complete, but you betrayed me. Me, your saviour, your creator! I trusted you! Look at what I made for you! It never was enough and the world is what I gave to you! You fucked up Luna!" Mickey exclaimed and took a step towards Luna.

"Maybe I need to mention that Mickey had a crowbar in thier hands since they tied Luna down to the chair. Heads up..This is going to be ugly."

"You are a worthless piece of shit! If you were a cockroach I would step on you now! I would squash you under my boot till people can't even see that you once were a Cockroach." Mickey snarled and lifted the crowbar. Luna was trembling in fear and shaking her head as Mickey raised the Crowbar.

Alisha just watched and thought about past events. Some similar to this situation, some way diffrent but one thing was the same everytime, Mickey was angry in every scenario. Alisha shrudderd at the memories that stringed together like a multiverse. The Past of Mickey and her was like a Multiverse.

Every action that was done produced two or more strands that branched out in more events until they came together in one big path of events again. It was complicated and far to messed up to explain now. The action at the moment was Mickey about to bash Luna's head in with the Crowbar, wich didn't happen but Mickey still hurt Luna to an extend.

Luna wailed as Mickey hit her shoulder with the Crowbar at full force. You could hear a crack. Luna's collarbone. Alisha grimaced and averted her eyes.

Mickey just smiled. A sick and messed up smile twisting around their lips. Luna wailed in pain. The crowbar coming down twice more on her right shoulder before moving to the left side. Repeating the action till Luna was screaming in pain around the tape on her mouth. Mickey was smiling the whole time. Seeking and finding a sick satisfaction within it.

The Crowbar dropped to the ground with a loud clank sound. Half silence spread over the warehouse. Only Luna's cries and Mickey's panting was heard were heard. Mickey huffed. "You are worthless for me. Be glad that I didn't kill you. I will untie you now and Let you free. If you think about returning or even think about telling the police I will find and kill you faster than the Police can find me. You understand that?" Mickey sneered.

Luna nodded weakly. Mickey snickered. "Fuck you, yea." Mickey said as they untied Luna and ripped the tape of off her mouth. Luna wailed one last time before getting up and glaring at Mickey. " Go on. Leave and never come back!" Mickey called out as Luna vanished through the backdoor.

Once Luna was gone Mickey turned to Alisha who was still not looking at Mickey. Mickey frowned, guilty for putting Alisha through this. They approached Alisha and wrapped their arms around her in a hug. "I'm sorry I put you through this..I know you loved her." Mickey whispered and held Alisha as she broke down.

"I loved her! I loved her!" Alisha sobbed into Mickey's shoulder.

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