Fuck me man, but not literally

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"Fuck." Mickey blurted out.

"What?" Alisha ran straight into Mickey. Mickey huffed: "Now we have a real problem." Mickey said. "Why?" Alisha asked and now stepped next to Mickey. "What's wrong?" Alisha asked clueless. Mickey groaned.

"Just look and use your brain for once." Mickey sneered. Alisha looked infront of her and raised an eyebrow. "I still don't know what's wrong?" Alisha said. Mickey sighed again. "You see those firefighters and the police Officers? They are here cause, the House where the shits who have Luna
live, burned down." Mickey said annoyed. "Oh..What now?" Alisha asked.

"I don't know yet. We have to wait for the firefighters and Police Officers to go back where they came from. Then we inspect the ruins. Till then we go to Slim's bar and have a midnight drink and snack." Mickey said and turned on thier heel. Alisha nodded and followed Mickey to a run down Bar on the main street.

They reached the little run down Bar. Mickey held the door open for Alisha. Both entered and a loud hollar was heard. "MICKEY!! My man!" A skinny but tall man of colour yelled from behind the Bar. "Slim!!" Mickey exclaimed and approached the Bar. "How are you my guy?" Mickey asked. Alisha just followed and stayed silent. Mickey and Slim chatted away while Alisha was lost in thoughts.

Alisha's Thoughts

"Something is wrong..Very wrong. How can Mickey be so careless about this situation. Luna is missing god damnit! And the house..Why was is burned down so suddenly. Maybe this goes way deeper than we know. Another Gang against all of us maybe? I don't know but I have a shitty feeling."

Mickey stopped talking to Slim for a second. A gun clicked in the silent Bar. Mickey froze, Alisha flinched. "We are the only ones here at the moment. Where did that come from?" Mickey asked. Slim shrugged. "No idea homie."

Alisha looked around but saw nothing. "Mickey...I have a real bad feeling." She murmured. Mickey nodded.

A shot went off, Mickey ducked their head down. The bullet hit the Tequila bottle on the shelf. "Hey! That was the last bottle of Tequila I had!" Slim called out. Mickey looked around and spotted a Barrel of a gun sitting on the back of a booth. Alisha noticed too and looked at Mickey with a knowing look. Mickey stood up and went towards the booth.

What or better who Mickey found sitting there was a unpleasant surprise for both sides.

"Fuck me man, but not literally.." Mickey sighed.

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