S: *Thank you then-* 

A: If it really is just for self improvement.

I raised an eyebrow in curiousity, looks like he has something else to say.

A: Self improvement is great and all, that's how you grow as a person and face the rapid overwhelming changes of life. If no one improved, humanity wouldn't improve and advance. But frankly, you're not exactly an average person. Your previous disinterest in others and your surrounding strike me as a sign of a lack of ambition. Since your methods can extract information from anywhere anytime, it's not hard to believe that you have an extensive knowledge on many things. Someone that has seen so much leads to them not seeking much either. I can believe that you're going through self improvement, but what I can't figure it is what pushes you to do so? Your...abilities look the same to me. Your family is fond of you enough and I don't see any major changes in your friendships from what I've seen. So it might've been a new source that wasn't there before,

A: Which is a new significant other.

A: There's also the fact that your social skills are accompanied and supported by your new expressions of positive emotions. Your previous empty eyes have a small light in them, and your stern face has gotten considerably softer. So it's possible that you've found a new source of hapiness, that was previously only from your fondness of the coffee gelatinous dessert. But even that hapiness is a temporary one that you indulge in once in a while, but your current hapiness is pretty much permanent. So it won't be wrong to assume that the cause is also a new constant presence in your life. 

S: *Is being a better person not an enough reason?*

Akechi lets out a near robotic laugh.

A: I doubt that you're that self fulfilling, Kusuo-kun. You do go out of your way so many times for others. 

Looks like he's not budging from his beliefs, and I failed to change his mind too. At this rate, he can find out about my relationship with Kokomi fairly quickly like how he found out about my powers.

T: Welcome back, Akechi-san.

A: Oh..., Te-te-te-te-te-te-te-te-teruhashi-sama-san.

T: And good morning to you.

Looks like Akechi's nervousness towards Kokomi is still a weakness of his. Kokomi looked to me and secretly greeted me as well.

T: *Good morning Kusuo.*

S: *Good morning.* 

T: So where did you go in America, Akechi-san?


His demeanor changed from a nervous wreck to actually being able to answer her, albeit with a tinge a shyness. It seemed like he managed to composed himself at first, but his eyes changed from nervously darting around to avoid eye contact to looking straight at us with curiousity. He's catching on to something. Kokomi took a chair and sat right next to me at my desk.

T: So what did you do there aside from the competition?


This is also the first time I see him being quiet and just looking at us. Like he has something in his mind but isn't confident enough to say it aloud. Like the question asked to him isn't prioritised in his train of thought. 

A: Virginia! 

He's back to normal already. I don't like where this going.

A: I went to the Arlington National Cemetery. I do admit it sounds odd going to a cemetery of another country seeing my lack of attachment towards American military and the effects of their contibutions, but it interested me that even after that it interested me that it was still considered a tourist attraction. And when I made it there, I really saw why. I understand that Japan and America used to not get along in military but in this modern era it really is irrelevant for the sake of the pursuit of world peace. The sight of the cemetery is really a sight to behold. The consistent placements of the headstones really reflects the discipline of the fallen veterans. The grass is maintained short to maintain the tidiness and the respect for the veterans. Even though its clean, the tone is sad when theres nothing else in the horizon you see but the multiple headstones. The ground is almost perfectly flat too as if all of the veterans are all equal in death at the end of the day Really makes you reflect on how different nations emphasise freedom in their principles through the treatment of their patriots. Have u wondered whether you should use the word headstone, tombstone and gravestone? Well it-

He went from explaining the history of the usage of the three words to having an elaborate explanation on every single tourist attraction he saw. I'm impressed that Kokomi is still next to me barely listening to him.

A: When it comes to what I ate, they have this thing called Brumswick stew-

Yumehara: Kokomi!

Kokomi looks to Yumehara calling her and stood up.

T: Sorry, Akechi-san. Someone's calling me. Again, good to see you back.

A: Thank you, Teruhashi-san.

Kokomi turned around and brushed her hand on my shoulder.

T: *See you later.*

S: *See you.*

I look back to Akechi but he didn't continue his speech about Virginian food and he's just looking at me again instead.

A: Kusuo-kun,

S: What?

A: It's her isn't it?

S: What about her?

A: She's the significant other that I theorised about before.

S: What makes you say that?

A: Your eye contact with her is considerably relaxed and softer compared to you looking at others. I also saw the smallest smirk on the side of your lip when she entered our conversation. One major evidence is you not minding her sitting next to you on your desk. Our school desks arent noticably large and you are someone that does pioritise comfort and personal space, even if it's Teruhashi-san. So the only reason u dont mind her intruding your personal space is that you appreciate her presence. The last one is her brushing her hand on your shoulder. It can very much be seen as an accident, but the eye contact you two share during that short moment makes me think that that was a short form of interaction you two shared. The fact that I mentioned eye contact twice means that you two are quite fond of looking at each other.

A silence followed after his deduction. I seriously stare at his satisfied face from letting out his thoughts on his suspicion.


A: :)

I sighed.

S: Good grief. I cannot keep a secret from you. You're lucky that no one's listening to you right now because you talking becomes white noise.

A: I have to say, it wasn't as difficult when I tried to prove your abilitites. You would have, well, could have tried harder to hide it. That's part of why I love talking to you, Kusuo-kun. 

S: Let's just say the intent of hiding it has been considerably weaker. I didn't think it was that obvious though.

A: Maybe this time, your actions are involuntarily doing things for your heart.

S: Maybe. 

Could also be a sign that I can't stretch out this secret any longer. 

I might have to make it public sooner or later.

Saiki and Teruhashi's Final School Year (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now