Dorea placed it on the ground and with a quick movement of her hand cleaned him.
"Thank you so much Mistress Potter, should Dobby beat himself up for his incompetence?"

"I'd rather not, my little granddaughter loves you too much to see you get hurt, you can go."
Dobby then left.

"So you little devil, did you wake up so early today on purpose just to devour the cake?"
she asked looking at the cake big enough to feed an entire team being quartered.

Dorea took the little girl into the bathroom and rinsed her face with tap water.
The little girl didn't make a fuss, she took Dorea's finger and put it in her mouth.
"Morgana, you're only thinking about eating, don't worry tomorrow will have such a plentiful lunch that even you won't be able to finish it all", she said in a caring tone as she struggled to remove her finger from Mary mouth.

The long and immense corridors were dark due to the shutters still closed, the walls were covered with gold decorations and large paintings of family members lined up one after the other.
Numerous ghosts wandered around the house, such as the ghost of Ferdinand Potter, grandfather of her husband and father of Henry Potter, Morrigan's great-great-grandfather, who had been following them since they left the bathroom, a robust man with the hair of a dull brown and honey-colored eyes, his figure was blurry and transparent.
Morrigan reached out from her grandmother's shoulder to greet him as dad had taught her, the ghost smiled like all the other paintings and disappeared out of nowhere in a cloud of smoke.

Having arrived at her destination, Dorea turned to see the distance to the bathroom which was no longer visible from the room; How did Mary get to the dining room? She knew her granddaughter was capable of crawling, but not that much.

She opened the door and found Lily and James cuddling a pillow together as they slept.
"What happens?" Rose appeared out of nowhere from behind Dorea, that woman liked to hide stealthily.
"Mary did it again, we need to hurry or we'll be late for that appointment Rose."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Rose suddenly opened the curtains and windows.
"Get up my children, the sun is rising and while you sleep people are dying out there, doesn't that give you a bit of adrenaline?"

"What??" Dorea whispered as she covered Mary's ears.

"Hmmm, come on Aunt Rose it's still early, and besides Morrigan needs sleep to grow." James said half asleep.

His mother slapped him on the back of the head.
"Are you sure?"

"By Morgana's son, why did you hit me and then I'm right, you see?" he said lowering his head to check on Morrigan but found a pillow in her place.

"James.." Lily, who was now also awake, pointed towards Dorea's arms.

"Again, Mary, why do you want to wake up so early?" James asked in amazement.

Dorea passed the little girl into her mother's arms and offering an arm to Rose before leaving.

Morrigan was in the garden overlooking the forest watching the squirrels moving gracefully in the oak trees when the doorbell rang.

Lily went to open the door to reveal Peter.
"Peter, we missed you!" Lily didn't give him time to speak before she smothered him with a hug.

"Hello to you too Lily." Peter said.

"Peter, my friend!" James shouted in joy from the corridor and then threw his friend to the ground with a deadly hug.

When James stood up Peter appeared to be asleep.

"James, what are you doing!, you made him pass out, and now?"

Peter was on the rocking bench overlooking the garden, a piece of wet towel on his forehead and the little morrigan looking at him like an obsessed person sitting on the ground.

"What happened to him, he's a toothpick, it's only been six months." Lily said, noticing Peter's many changes.

"His father died, maybe that's why and despite the loss, he started running a bakery and a restaurant." James said, staring at his daughter's back.

Peter was no longer like he used to be, he had lost a lot of weight, his hair was shaved and no longer had the tufts it once had and dark circles surrounded his eyes.

Peter slowly opened his eyes and sat up, rubbing his hand on his forehead, which was cool thanks to the wet cloth.

"Pit, I'm so sorry, do you feel good? But what am I saying? Look at you, I'm going to tell the alfs to cook double portions of the breakfast food." Lily said, running into the mansion.

"James," Peter said, with a wave of the hand.
"Dude, where were you?" he said, hugging Peter more gently.
"I had work." he just said, trying to look elsewhere.

James stared into his eyes, something was different, they were could he blame him.

"Well meet my daughter, Morrigan." he said, pointing with his head to the ground.

Peter lowered his head and immediately raised it again as if he had seen a two-headed dog.
"Prongs, is she really your daughter?"

"Of course, she just took more from some of our other relatives."But how many times did he have to repeat it, he and her daughter shared so many things!

"I don't think there is such a person."Peter said, trying to remember any family that looked like her.

James looked at the table and turned to his friend.
"Want some cookies?"

"Hmmm, if you insist." James ran into the house yelling after him, "Check out Morrigan now!"


"Hmmmm" Peter lowered his head, the little girl was raising her hands at him with a begging face.

Peter picked her up, trying to get a good grip on her,he had some experience with his younger cousins.

"Your name is Morrigan then?"
She took his face between her small hands and stared at him, he was the man she had seen in her dream a few months earlier.

Peter took her little hand to move it away from his face, but to his surprise the little one was quick and took his index finger and then put it in her mouth and laughed.

Peter sat down on the bench and took his finger out of her mouth.
"That doesn't sound like a good idea, haven't you eaten yet?"
He took two macarons from the small circular table next to them and handed one to her.
As soon as he closed his eyes to savor it's sweetness, Morrigan pressed her little hand to his chest and when he opened his eyes to see her her hands were empty.
"Have you eaten it already?" he asked incredulously.
He passed her his macaron and she took it very quickly and without thinking again she put it all in her mouth, chewed it quickly and swallowed it all down.

Peter took a muffin from another plate and handed it to her, she devoured it in two bites, then another, and another, and another.

While devouring her food, Peter was enjoying the show eating the remaining croasson.
Morrigan looked up to see if he had any more food.
"You want more? damn, you're a black hole."
He got up and went to the table and with her in his arms, he gave her a cream-puff and then another, and he looked at her as if she was an alien.

After a while he got used to her and started to stare at an imprecise point in the forest, Morrigan moved her gaze towards him and noticed his strong cheekbones and his thin face, she put the piece of chocolate cake in front of his mouth and brought him back in reality, he put the piece in his mouth and caressed her curls with an almost distant touch, he had to keep in mind what he was doing......

"Where did all the food go?!" Lily shouted as she came out of the house.

"Where did all the food go?!" Lily shouted as she came out of the house

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