"It sounds like you're prepared for an adventure." She smiled at him, before turning on her feet and skipping onto the bedroom, ready to explore the place further.

Joe slowly followed her footsteps, smiling as he watched her gasp at every little aspect of the room that excited her. She carefully pulled open the doors that lead to the balcony, stepping out into the February afternoon, a cold breeze running across her skin as she exhaled.

There sat a small garden table for two, with a pair of wooden chairs. Small plant pots were placed along the edges of the railings to colour the scene.

"Wouldn't it be nice to eat out here?" Emmie asked, looking back at Joe who stood in the doorway, a soft smile on his face.

"If that's what you want to do." He nodded in response, "I'm sure we can make that happen."

Around an hour later, the small kitchen counter was covered in different ingredients needed to make a homemade pizza. Emmie had come to the decision whilst at the store, wanting to make something completely from scratch. And of course Joe was happy to help.

Emmie stood with her sleeves rolled up to her elbows, hands covered in flour as she attempted to soften the pizza dough that had definitely been made too sticky for their liking. Joe chuckled as he watched the dough stick ti her fingers, as he paced the kitchen, gathering any other ingredients they may need.

"A little help may be useful." Emmie suggested through a giggle, glancing over at him.

"Y'know, I would love to help.. But I don't like the idea of having sticky hands." He nodded down at her own hands where she held a ball of dough that still needed a lot of work.

"C'mon." She urged him, stepping closer to him, "It's all part of the fun."

Joe groaned and rolled his eyes playfully, before holding his hands out, letting her drop the messy dough ball into his palms. He almost cringed at the feel of it, making Emmie chuckle at his face.

Eventually they tackled the pizza dough, and rolled it out into their desired shapes. Whilst Emmie was focused on hers, she found herself watching the way Joe took his time, specifically to make his pizza into the shape of a heart.

"Wait, that's really cute." She smiled, admiring the effort he was putting in to make sure it was perfect.

"What can I say?" Joe grinned, "I'm a man of many talents."

"He's an artist now, huh?" Emmie played along. Joe winked at her before diverting his attention back onto the pizza that he would now refer to as his canvas.

They covered their pizzas with their chosen toppings, before leaving them to cook. Emmie wandered back onto the balcony, like she had earlier that day, except now she was able to enjoy the sunset that was slowly falling over to city.

She heard Joe approaching her from behind, as he carefully wrapped his arms around her front, resting his head on her shoulder as they stood in silence, admiring the peacefulness that washed over the streets.

"It's crazy how far we've come." Emmie said suddenly, making Joe raise his eyebrows slightly. He glanced at her with a smile that told her to continue.

"I mean.. when we first met, we were both in completely different places." She spoke, "I would never have expected us to end up where we are now."

"I'm quite happy with where we've ended up." Joe told her, "I know it's been a ride.. but I'd do it all again."

"Im proud of us." He gave her a grin.

"Me too." She mumbled, "I'm glad we have each other."

"You'll always have me." Joe reminded her, "Whether you want to talk, or just want some company. You know I'll always be here."

Emmie smiled softly, turning around to wrap her arms around him as he pulled her into a quick hug. She glanced back out at the streetlights that flickered as the sky gradually became a deep shade of purple.

"I like it here." She spoke, "Imagine what it would be like to live here."

"It would be pretty amazing." Joe agreed, his arms still holding her close, "I think we'd fit in quite well here."

"Maybe one day." Emmie promised with a smile.

"Is this another one of your big dreams?" Joe asked, a soft smile on his face as he looked at her.

Emmie shrugged in response.

"My dreams don't come true.." She reminded herself, knowing that her previous ambitions of being a photographer one day had quickly gone to waste.

"Hey!" Joe scolded her with a playful grin, "What about me? Aren't I a dream come true?"

Emmie scoffed and shoved his shoulder with a laugh.

"No but seriously, Em." Joe's voice was soft, "You're more talented than you think. And I really believe you could make it in photography if you really wanted it. You just need to change the way you see yourself. I believe in you."

"I don't know." She mumbled, still in disbelief but she wouldn't argue with him.

"I won't push you to do anything you don't want to.. but just have a think about it." Joe tried again, and this time she nodded.

"Anyway, enough serious talk." He continued, glancing back into the apartment, "I think I fancy that pizza now."

"I claim the heart!" Emmie grinned, slipping from his grasp as she rushed back inside to get first pick.

"I knew you would." Joe chuckled to himself, following her back into the warmth of the room. He watched her set down two plates onto the counter, as she rummaged through the cabinets to find glasses and everything else they would need for a meal on the balcony.

Joe stood back, lost in his thoughts. He had a good feeling about this trip. He wasn't sure whether the atmosphere of Paris was making it more exciting, or whether it was just Emmie's company. But what he did know, was that this trip was going to be a special one that neither of them would want to forget.

Because after all, tomorrow was Valentine's Day. And Joe loved love.

a/n : ahh i'm ready for an extremely wholesome chapter!!

im definitely going to go back and add photos to the start of each chapter!! it adds so much to picturing the scene and i've had so many more ideas since adding them <3

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