chapter 5

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The party had left the camp once everyone awoken they all noticed that sorin was gone they figured he awoke early and went to explore baldurs gate as the group was wondering the town looking for sorin astarion was unusually quiet and seemed down something that didn't go unnoticed by karlach who made her way towards the vampire karlach: something eating at ya you seem down astarion: it's Sorin we haven't seen him yet karlach: chin up he couldn't have been gone for long you two really are inseparable astarion: he's been gone sense last night I said something that really hurt him and he left what if he never returns karlach: were bound to find him eventually after all baldurs gate is a big city and we do find him make sure to apologize to him sincerely astarion: thank you karlach astarion said smiling at the tifling karlach nodded her head with a smile and made her way back to wyll as the party was passing by a alleyway astarion noticed something shining in the distance he decided to investigate it once he got close to it he froze and his eyes went wide on the ground was silver necklace with a red oval shaped gem stone astarion immediately recognized it it was sorin's necklace he never takes it off Sorin had told him that it was a family heirloom given to him by his grandfather on closer inspection astarion noticed that the chain was broken thankfully the rest of the necklace appeared to be undamaged putting the necklace in his pocket he looked around the area and found some some blood on the ground some of it smelled like sorin's the the rest made him freeze it was a scent he would never be able to forget cazadore's exiting the alley way astarion quickly went to find the rest of the party which thankfully didn't take long tav: astarion there you are have you seen wait what's wrong you look like you've seen ghost tav said looking at astarion concerned astarion: it's Sorin cazadore has him karlach: WHAT no way how can you be sure astarion: I found this in a alley way sorin never takes it off there was also some blood on the ground some smelled like sorin's and some like cazadore's astarion said holding up sorin's necklace 


                                    Meanwhile with Sorin 


Sorin grunted as hard blow struck him in the ribs he felt like a idiot for letting his guard down he was walking around baldurs gate trying to cool down after his fight with astarion and next thing he knows a vampire ambushed him he was able to get a couple good hits with his sword on the vampire but the vampire managed to sneak up and inject something into him he managed to fend off the vampire for awhile however whatever the vampire injected him with was starting to take effect his vision was spinning and the vampire managed to stab Sorin in the thigh sorin was really starting slow down the vampire was about to stab Sorin in the neck but he managed to get out of the way in time however the knife did manage to break the chain of his necklace and with combination of the blood loss and whatever he was injected with sorins vision went black and that's how he came to be where he currently is his armor and trench coat were gone leaving him in his white under shirt with his arms bound behind his back turns out the vampire he was fighting was cazadore cazadore: so your the one that astarion abandoned his family for Sorin: go to hell that's what earned him the blow to the ribs cazadore: never thought i would see another vampire lord around here tell me how did you manage to weaken my hold on that stupid boy I can no longer influence him in his sleep did you give him some of your blood sorin looked at cazador puzzled cazadore: you see if blood from a vampire lord is willingly given to a spawn that's not there own then the spawn gets a fraction of the Lord's power so how did he convince you to give him that small amount of blood he's such a weak and pathetic fool but his screams were the sweetest I ever heard sorin: DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK OF HIM LIKE THAT Sorin said lunging at cazador but was stopped by the chain binding his arm's at which point cazadore pulled out a knife and stabbed sorin in the shoulder causing the paladin to hiss he refuses to scream in pain in front of this bastard cazadore then yanked Sorin by his hair to where he was eye level with his capture causing him to grunt cazadore: I'm not going to kill you just yet i need you alive to get astarion here to complete the ritual that idiot will come for you cazadore said with a smirk releasing his hold on Sorins hair and walking away leaving Sorin alone to his thoughts 

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