chapter 1

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Context  Sorin is a paladin tav is a wizard and astarion is a rogue


Sorin astarion and tav arrive at crimson droughts in the lower city when they encounter a female drow araj: araj oblodra trader in blood and sanguine arts its a pleasure to stand before a true soul and your pale companions I would like to offer my services if your willing tav: why are you interested in my pale companions araj:please you don't think someone in my line of work wouldn't recognize a vampire spawn when they see one and a true vampire quite a interesting site the paladin in question just glared at her araj:I trade in blood and the potions that can be wrang from it I will be more then happy to give you one if you'd honor me with your blood with one drop I can brew a rather potent potion for you the rest i keep for myself tav: sounds interesting lets do it araj: just a little prick and it would all be over close your eyes tav cringed at the feeling araj: and there we are all your very best traits in a bottle use it well although there is one more thing we can discuss your friends there vampires at least a true one and his spawn astarion: don't worry we're all friends here under the absolute I won't bite Sorin: besides he isn't my spawn he's my friend and if you continue to piss me off I won't hesitate to stab you astarion smiled a little at Sorins words araj: oh I'd prefer if you did I assume he belongs to you she said looking at tav tav: excuse me he's his own person araj: I'm sure he believes that how utterly adorable do you have a name spawn astarion: astarion but hold on araj: good now astarion I've dreamed of being bitten by vampire ever sense I was a young girl astarion: I'm sorry you want to be bitten araj:to feel ones life blood slipping away to dance on the edge between life and death yes a I want it I will even compensate you a potion of legendary power that will forever increase the strength of the one who consumes it but it's not for sale but it's yours if you bite me Sorin: hell no I'm not here to fulfill your fetish astarion: and I will have to decline araj: excuse me this is a once and a lifetime opportunity and your squandering it astarion: I gave you my answer Sorin: as did I and your really getting on my bad side araj:can't you talk some sense into your obstinate charge tav could tell that it was going to be a no go with sorin tav: im surprised astarion i thought you would jump at a chance like this astarion: I'm sorry but can you excuse  us a moment astarion: are you actually asking me to do this trading me for some potion because theres something wrong with her blood I can smell it from here it smells ranked right sorin Sorin simply nodded in agreement he was really starting to get pissed at tav it wasn't to long ago that he learned about astarions story although the paladin wouldn't really admit it hes grown attached to the rogue tav: what do you mean what's wrong with her blood astarion: I can't say it just smells wrong unnatural araj:I don't have all day true soul tav: it's up to you we could really use that potion astarion: fine I'll do it he turns to araj astarion: darling ive had a sudden change of heart after all who could resist such a delectable neck hold very very still astarion proceeds to bite araj meanwhile Sorin eyes astarion he noticed that asterion sounded rather robotic when accepting the request araj: incredible incredible after about a minute astarion removes himself from araj and immediately starts retching sorin comes to his side araj: not to your liking astarion: through retches your feted full of corruption araj: I feel exquisite though so here's my part of the bargain I hope you find if as satisfying as I found this it was everything i imagined and then more I'll be able to put this to good use araj said while giving astarion the potion sorin: were done here lets go Sorin and asterion make there was out of the crimson droughts asterion is still coughing sorin: the blood tasted that bad huh astarion:you have no idea Sorin: i believe we have some alcohol back at camp it should help get the taste out of your mouth astarion: thanks astarion couldn't help but steel a glance at the taller vampire besides him Sorin may have been a true vampire like cazadore ( he cringes at that name ) however Sorin is kind in his own way and although he won't say it aloud he found the paladin quite attractive he especially like his eyes a lovely golden color they were almost out when Sorin noticed that asterion was stumbling a bit and clutching his head Sorin: astarion are you ok asterion: fine just a bit of a headache Sorin wasn't to sure but he took astarions word for it after a bit they made it out when astarion just collapsed Sorin: ASTARION he immediately rushed to astarions side to catch him before he fell to the ground Sorin noticed that asterion skin rather sweaty and his face scrunched up in pain it must have been the blood he drank from the damned merchant tav approached the two vampires tev: ASTARION what's wrong with him Sorin looks towards tev Sorin:don't you dare fucking touch  him asterion wouldn't have been in this condition if you didn't trade him for a potion Sorin said while picking up astarion bridal style taking him to the camp

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