chapter 2: make it stop

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Scarecrow was shocked and then teared up, "no...NO NO NO! W-WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!?" Scarecrow started to shake in fear l, he then heard the door open. The Jester stood at the doorway of the dungeon smiled evilly "you...YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!" Scarecrow shouted angrily, Jester looked at him with a look of no remorse "who else would have done it? Idiot" the Jester said with an evil grin "WHY!? WHY!? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!?" Scarecrow shouted while tears ran down his cheeks. Jester chuckled while he looked at The helpless Scarecrow "I gave you a chance, You're only chance to let me rule oz, and you didn't approve..." The Jester walked up to him "and now, I'm going to have some fun..." The Jester then pulled out a knife" Scarecrow then froze "p-please...NO!!!" The Jester then stabbed the knife through Scarecrow's right hand and Scarecrow screamed in pain. The Jester laughed hysterically while his victim screamed in pain "how weak... Let's have some more fun..." Scarecrow then looked up at Jester and sobbed. Meanwhile with Lion and Tinman The both were already at Tinmans house and he was bandaging lions fingers. When Tinman was done he looked at Lion with a worried face Lion quickly looked up at his tin friend "no! I'm not okay, I'm declawed and worst of all has a hold of Scarecrow! Who knows what he could be doing to him!" Lion referred the Jester as a monster. Tinman looked at his furry friend with a desperate and sad look "I know... I'm worried about him too..." Tinman agreed "we need to get him back, we need to save him!" Lion nodded and agreed with Tinman's idea "but, how are we going to get to the jester's Castle? It's far away and if we even get there who knows how scarecrow's condition will be!" Lion explained, can I looked at him and smiled "well my friend, I have a friend who can help us, come on I know where she lives! She'd be happy to help us!" Tinman led lion to the front door and they walked outside and tinman let him to the location. After a while of walking they finally reached a big, big cave "woah! This cave is huge! who lives here?" Lion asked, Tinman then turn around to look at Lion "well lion, you've never met her before but she is a very helpful person!" Tinman then looked inside the cave in yelled "lora! Are you home?" Tinman then heard the sounds of big feet stomping out of the tunnel and backed up. Out of the cave came a very large hawk, she was humongous! She had red fur, orange feet, her eyes were yellow and her pupils were black, and her feather tail was a shade of dark red "Tinman! What has you in front of my cave this hour? Is everything all right?" Lora asked as she looked down at her small friends "Lora, we need your help! Scarecrow has been kidnapped by the Jester! We need you to fly us to his catsle so we can save Scarecrow!" Tinman explained to his giant bird friend "oh no! Of course I'll help you guys!" Lora then turned around and sad so the two could get on her back. The two then quickly got on the Giant birds back and then she flew up in the air headed to the Jesters Castle "Don't worry, I'll get you there as fast as I can" Lora explain to the two Lion smiled "thank you Lora..." Lion said, she smiled "of course! Anything!" The three then flew farther and farther hoping that their straw friend would hopefully be in good condition. Meanwhile with Scarecrow he laid on the ground of the dungeon looking at the ground as he heard the Jester finally leave the room and shut the door, Scarecrow cried, he was beginning to lose hope of freedom he had cuts and bruises all over his body from the torture he just experienced he proceeded to cry on the floor "why me?..." He asked to himself

" He asked to himself

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why me? (tortured Scarecrow AU) legends of oz Where stories live. Discover now