Episode 2: Dread in the air

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Professor Lionheart sits at his desk and looks up to see Watts standing in a corridor.

Watts: Well, shall we?

The Professor sighs and the two make their way to the secret room to find one of the Jellyfish Grimm in the center of it.

Watts: After you.

He shoves the Professor forward as he looks at the Orb in the center of the creature.

Leo: Your Grace, are you there?

The misty dust inside swirls around until two woman can be seen, Cinder Fall and Salem.

Salem: Hello Leonardo, do you have something to report?

Leo: Of course ma'am I would not have wasted your time otherwise.

Watts walks up to the Grimm.

Watts: I am still so fascinated by this creature, Cinder dear are we coming through? Can you see us clearly? Or as clearly as you can?

Cinder growls angrily.

Cinder: F*ck off.

Watts: Oh great you've recovered.

Salem: You're report? What is it?

Leo: I've. . . . found the spring maiden.

Salem smiles.

Salem: Is that so? Well done Arthur.

Leo moves out of the way as Salem was talking to Watts.

Salem: If I had known you would be this quick to expedite this process I would have sent you long, long ago.

Watts: As much as I would love to take credit for this ma'am, neither of us are to thank for this development. I guess you could say a little birdie told us.

Salem turns to Leo.

Salem: Explain.

Leo: Well you see ma'am. Qrow Brawen arrived at Haven academy, along with Wuu earlier today. He is convinced that spring has taken refuge with his sister's tribe.

Cinder narrows her eye.

Cinder: Is the Girl and the Saiyan with them?

Leo: Ruby Rose and Son Y/n are present yes.

Watts: Along with the girl you failed to kill.

Cinder was about to say something but is stopped by Salem.

Salem: And you have the tribe's location?

Leo: Yes but you have to hurry! Wuu is already at odds with-

Salem glares and her Grimm begins to choke the sad professor.

Salem: Leonardo, do you remember the first time we met? I remember. I remember your fear. But since that day you have been extraordinarily brave. I will not forget everything you have done for me, don't forget what I can do to you.

The Grimm releases its grip and Leonardo Lionheart falls to the ground.

Salem: Cinder, you and your team will meet with Dr. Watts and convince Raven Brawen that the survival of her people depends on her cooperation. Once you have Spring under control escort her to the relic and contact Hazel. The White Fang was promised the destruction of Haven, and they will have it once we have what we want.

Watts: Very well-

Salem: Not you Arthur, Tyrian is in need of a new tail.

Watts: What happened to his old one?

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