Pining: Ruen's POV (Fantasy-BL) (Angst)

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All characters are mine :)

Context: This is set in my fantasy world, the Creation/the First Universe, the same world that The Last Guardian takes place in. This takes place thousands of years after The Last Guardian series is over. (The Last Guardian is my original series that will be found on my main profile...after I publish it.)

There will be characters who are of different species and they age slower than humans do. The Main Protagonists, Ruen and Apnos, are both at least one hundred years old, but they maintain the mentalities and appearances of 19-year-olds.

More Context: Apnos is one of the few remaining element wielders (called Elites). He is a descendant of one of the Vessels of the Sea. He has control over water. Being an Elite, he and the other Elites maintain a higher authority over others.

Ruen is the Fifth Captain of the Mortal Legion. The Mortal Legion is an army made up of entirely mortal creatures, ranging from elves to humans to unicorns.

You don't necessarily have to know a ton of background information because this short story is focused more on the romance than the lore. If you want to know the lore, you'll just have to read my series when I publish it ;)

Okay, enough talk. This is an excerpt from my head. I hope you enjoy it, and will give constructive criticism. Thanks!

(Oh and for those who have read River's Shadow...spoiler alert ^^)


He wasn't even aware that he was staring. Ruen's eyes trailed from Apnos's gleaming golden hair, to his shining cobalt blue eyes, and dropped down to his lips.

He knew that out of everybody in this room, he was probably the last person Apnos would see. Hell, he wasn't even sure if Apnos was aware of his existence anymore.

Once upon a time, Apnos and Ruen used to be an inseparable pair. That was more than fifty years ago. With how cold Apnos was around him, Ruen almost believed that their past relationship was nonexistent.

"...Ruen?" Divis, the First Captain, narrowed her violet eyes at him. "The First Vessel is addressing a topic that concerns you. What are you looking at?"

"...My apologies," Ruen mumbled. Apnos merely passed him a bored glance before returning his attention to the First Vessel: Naia, the Former Vessel of the Sun and Water Elite.

Like Divis, Naia had been around since the time of the Guardians, and still maintained her youthful appearance (thanks to her sea serpent heritage). The original, living Vessels had the highest word of them all; after all, they'd seen the world go through many changes ever since the Guardians were gone, and having served the Guardians, they held the wisdom of the Spirits.

"You're fine," Naia brushed him off. "Meetings like this can be such a bore. I was just talking about the recent uprisings across the realms. As you know, it has been thousands of years since the Guardians have gone. We knew that with their absence, the chaos in this world would increase by tenfold. They have entrusted us to uphold the harmony of this world, the Mortal Legion and Elites alike."

"...Ah," Ruen nodded. He knew all this, of course. It was a part of his job to quell the disorder happening around the worlds. "Is there another realm revolting? Because I can always send—"

"No," Naia interrupted. "I mean, yes. There are still realms revolting. But because there have been more and more uprisings the past few months, I've decided to send a group around the world to advocate peace and fight against the disrupters of that peace. And I'd like for you, Ruen, to lead that group."

"Me?" Ruen blinked. "Of course. Who else—"

He was yet again interrupted, this time by somebody he didn't expect to speak up—Apnos.

"Him?" Apnos snorted. This was perhaps one of the few times he'd spoken in a meeting. "You're being ridiculous. There's no way somebody like him can lead such an important task."

"What do you mean?" Ruen asked in a small voice. His heart quickened. Did Apnos think he was weak? Did Apnos believe he wasn't capable?

"I mean that you're weak. You're incapable of leading, and you can't even fight." Apnos lifted his chin, his icy blue eyes piercing Ruen's. "What makes you so sure he can do it, Naia?"

The sea serpent glowered at Apnos. "Please refrain from belittling our army," she said quietly. "We mustn't fight amongst ourselves as well. I chose Ruen because I've seen his skills, and believe he is a worthy warrior."

"Well, I think otherwise," Apnos challenged. "'A worthy warrior' is such a rich compliment for him. Look at him; his body is extremely lanky and he's so quiet all the time; his voice will most likely be lost to the waves of hatred that's waiting for him out there."

Ruen glared at Apnos, determination pounding through his blood.

I'll make you eat your own words, he vowed. If this is a test, Apnos, then I'll make sure to capture your affections. I'll pass.

"You've always trusted my judgment before," Naia frowned. "Why are you protesting now?"

"Just differing opinions." Apnos ruffled his hair. "You know, the realms out there host not only elves; they're homes of humans, dragons, mages, nymphs, fairies, pixies...creatures much more powerful than the ones we've been training with here. I—"

"Then fight me," Ruen said suddenly. Apnos blinked.


"Fight me." Ruen drew his sword. "If I win, I will go and lead the group. If you win, I'll stay and you may choose a new captain."

"Ruen, what are you doing?" Divis asked sharply. "Apnos is an Elite. He has powers you don't harness."

"Well, all the better. If I can beat him, then I can handle the realms." Ruen tried to read Apnos's gaze. Was that concern in his eyes? He bolstered his confidence; he knew he was an able warrior. Apnos would be a challenge, but Ruen would do whatever he could to win.

"Very well," Apnos said coolly, drawing a line in midair with a delicate finger. A thin icicle materialized, and he grasped at it. Ruen shivered.

The Elites and Captains backed away from the center, leaving Ruen and Apnos facing each other. Ruen lunged forward, hooking an arm around Apnos's neck. He leaned forward to whisper into his ear:

"When I return, I'll finally be worthy of you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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