Part one

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 Singing came as easy as breathing to her.

The only thing in that instant that she had to focus on, was herself. The troubles of reality would melt away, carried in the gentle waves of her fragrant voice, humming in her own ears as she felt it vibrate in her throat and whisper through her lips.

This was what she was born to do.

It was the only thing that brought her joy, gave her comfort and confidence as her song grew bolder and stronger, the symphony sweet and smooth like the chirps of a bird. When she sang, nothing else existed, just her and her melodic tune intertwined in a timeless, forever lasting dance. The hours of day would cease to exist, the rocks that weighed heavy on her mind would disperse and it was as if her very soul spoke to her, comforted her.

What did it say?

She imagined that it would tell her not to worry. Maybe it would tell her that a better future awaited her out there- she just had to hold on a little longer. Whatever it said, it was her only reason for living. Though her face matched the beauty of her voice, it was her internal song that pushed her to keep on living, to keep breathing and singing as if her life was as luxurious as that of a spoiled princess.

When she sang, she was royalty, and all others could see it too.

The darkness of her closed eyes comforted her, allowed her to listen to only her blissful tune and wish the world away. However, when she fluttered up those elegant ebony lashes of hers, everyones' attention was on her. They all stared as if in a deep trance, hypnotised by her soft vocals that so gracefully lulled them into a dream of their own. All saw her, all heard her, all listened to her.

She was in control.

It made her swell with such pride when everyone was so helplessly captivated. Maybe it was vain, maybe it was evil to long for attention so. However, she couldn't help it. Was it so wrong to crave so little? Just a little love, just a tiny amount of appreciation.

Her only wish was to not be hated.

But why would anyone hate her? She was the most beautiful girl in the village with her merry locks of strawberry blond that hung loose down her shoulders, her neatly trimmed brows that furrowed from concentration so pristinely, draped over her stunning eyes of a summer sky, her well defined cheekbones that framed her plump lips- though they were slightly too hollow, hunger crippling her slender figure and making it frail and small. Perhaps that was why they hated her, because she was too weak, and they could see it. But did her voice not make up for it? Her spectacular melody that sent everyone including herself into a riveting ecstasy. Could they not feel the power and worth that it conveyed, capable of holding the eye and ear of every single soul in the room? Surely, they could not deny her such supremacy?

Or maybe they hated her out of jealousy.

The spell then broke. With the shatter of a distant glass that a clumsy man allowed slip onto the floor, all eyes drifted away from her and to the broken shards dancing on the ground.

She blinked, voice ceasing from her lips and any fine tune becoming choaked in her gullet. Her attention too swiftly glided to the man who blushed red from drink and scratched his head with a booming laugh. Just like that, she was forgotten, banished back to the shadows as she stood alone on the stage, everyone in the tavern giving a shrug and turning back to their respective parties.

The song left her, the lyrics disappearing into the fog of her mind. She was lost, unsure where to begin again or if she even should while she stood and shook on the stage, searching every table for at least one set of eyes that still rested on her, still pleaded her to continue.

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