The truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Comenzar desde el principio

"Come in" I heard her say , her voice was light , angelic even.

I took another deep breath as I opened the door.

Regina stood up from her desk and walked towards me , guiding me towards the couch in the Corner of the room.

She sat me down gently , not once did she break eye contact , eye contact in wish I struggled to hold.

"Can I get you a drink" she asked with a soft smile.

"No I'm okay" I said softly.

The brunette nodded her head sitting down on the couch opposite to the one I was sat on.

"I met Liam today , he's lovely" she said with a grin.

I just returned her a smile back , looking down at the floor.

"He looks just like you" she added with a smile.

"Yeah he does" I replied breathy.

Regina was quite for a moment , almost like she was composing herself.

"I'm going to tell you something and what you do with this information is up to you but just know that if you make a wrong choice , you won't just hurt me but everyone in the town , including Henry and Emma." She warned with a serious tone in her voice.

"Okay?" I replied with confusion.

"When I first met you in that bar I told you I was from Boston and that my parents died , do you remember?" She quizzed.

"Yes" I said with a nod.

I was confused as to where she was going with this.

I thought she brought me here because of Earlier but I guess I was wrong.

Regina took a deep breath and looked down at the floor.

Somehow the roles had reversed from earlier.

She now struggled to keep eye contact however I couldn't seem to break it.

"Well that wasn't true , I was never from Boston and my parents are dead but they didn't die when I was little" she stated.

"What I'm about to say is going to sound completely insane so I need you to hear me out and just know that I can prove all of it" she added.

I nodded my head.

"I'm sure you're aware of Fairytales like Snow White and sleeping beauty and the others yes?" She questioned.

I just nodded my head again.

I was completely lost , I had no idea where she was going with this.

"Well the versions you heard in you're world aren't true , and the reason I know that is Because I was apart of them"

"Regina i-"

"No please here me out" she cut me off.

"It's hard to explain so it's easier if I just show you" she explained.

Regina got up from the couch and walked towards to her desk opening a draw.

The Brunette took out a Book and and walked back over to me.

"You need to read it , it won't take you long maybe half hour to an hour." She stated.

"You need to read it here so I know you understand , I'll be at my desk" she said with a soft smile and with that she walked to her desk and started on her work leaving me with a book .

Once upon a time.

I was so confused why would she get me to read a book about fairytales and why would she said she was a part of them.
Regina's POV
20 minutes had passed and the only noise that could be heard was the crackling of the fireplace and the occasional scribble of my pen on the papers spread out in-front of me.

Lost love , a regina mills x y/n fanfic <3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora