Chapter 22: Operation 'Just Cause' Part 1

Start from the beginning

(A/N: Without the mask and Gloves for Tyler)

Tyler: (I feel fuckin' naked without my mask.) Tell me again why I need to go out without my mask.

Simon: I need you to blend in with the crowd while searching for her.

Tyler: So, this Edith Blackwater or Eda. Is she really that unpredictable?

Simon: That's what Elias told me.

Tyler: Hmm. So she has blonde hair and blue eyes, wears pink sunglasses, and dresses like she came back from a sex party. Sounds like she's still in high school or college.

Simon: I would think the same thing.

Simon then pulls over to the side of the bar near a restaurant.

Tyler: Here?

Simon: Yeah. Start here and work your way back to base before it starts.

Tyler: Understood, boss, I'll get going.

Simon: *Pats his shoulder* Good luck.

Tyler nods before he exits the car. After exiting, the vehicle drove off. He looks around to see many people walking by, enjoying their time.

Tyler: (I should head inside and find this woman. I can't waste time.)

Tyler heads to the bar and walks in. After entering the bar, it was packed full of civilians and off-duty PDFs who were having a good time. Not wanting to look suspicious, he walked up to the bar and sat on an empty stool.

Seeing Tyler sitting by the bar, a middle-aged bartender approaches him to get his order.

Bartender: ¿Qué vas a tomar hoy, amigo? [What will you be having for today, friend?]

Tyler: Whisky. Helado, por favor. [Whisky. Ice cold, please.]

The bartender nods before getting his drink. Tyler looks around the bar to see if this Eda is here, but no luck. She isn't here. A minute later, Tyler's whisky was brought to him. He thanked the bartender before taking a sip of his whisky.

About half an hour later, Tyler has not found Eda yet. He wonders if something must have happened to her or if she doesn't know who to find. He then wonders why she didn't tell Elias where she would be.

Tyler: (I'm still wondering why she didn't tell Elias or anyone where we could find her. She's making this like a hide-and-seek game. Stupid bitch.)

As he was enjoying his drink, suddenly, Tyler felt a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulder. Then, a soothing voice is heard in his ear.

???: Hey there~ are you the one called Tyler?~

Tyler: Who's asking..?

Tyler turns around to see a woman who appears to be the one he is looking for.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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