🌺 • Chapter 14 • 🌺

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In the backstage building, there were two folding chairs already set next to each other, which was perfect for Shindo and Izuku to sit on as they talked, with neither questioning the setup.

Shindo decided to flip the chair, spreading his legs over the seat while folding his arms on the top of the headrest, and laying his head down between his arms.

Meanwhile, Izuku decided to awkwardly sit in the seat, his back straight, legs pressed together, and hands resting against his knees as he struggled to look Shindo in the face.

It was strange. It wasn't fear he was feeling, not like he did back in high school, rather he just felt uneasy as he wasn't sure what Shindo had planned, though he wasn't worried about being beaten up again, nor having his camera broken as it wasn't on his person this time around. What exactly did Shindo want? That was all Izuku had in mind, but he didn't want to be the first to talk, he just wanted to keep his cool as to not make Shindo feel like he had more power over him still.

"So... You and Bakugo?" Shindo asked.

The question caught Izuku off guard as he wasn't expecting the other male to go there, "Huh?"

"I'm just surprised! He's such a hard-headed guy and you're such a sweetheart. I would've never imagined someone like him being in a relationship, especially with someone as nice as you." Shindo smiled.

"O-Oh, Kacchan isn't hard-headed. He may seem mean on the outside, but when you get to know him, he's actually really sweet too! I think the spotlight causes him to tense up, that's all." Izuku said, blushing as he thought of all the times Katsuki was nice to him.

"Well, that's good to hear. Everyone always assumed he'd be abusive but it's good to know he treats you well. I was really shocked when he suddenly kissed you like that. He must really like you."

"R-Right, I forgot he did that... Sorry, that probably made you uncomfortable..." Izuku didn't know why he was suddenly apologizing, most likely because he wasn't used to displaying affection publicly.

"Hey, don't be sorry. You're not the one that needs to apologize. I'm the one that needs to say sorry for everything." Shindo began, gaining Izuku's attention, "Back in high school, I didn't know how to properly control my feelings. When I found out you liked me, I thought it was really weird and it scared me. I was only attracted to girls and I grew up in a household that wasn't very welcoming to that sort of thing so, I sort of had that same ideology at the time, which was very wrong of me. I should've never sent my group of friends to hurt and harass you just because you liked me or because you were gay. Gay people are great, I have a ton of gay fans! Lots of LGBT+ supporters and I love all of them, you know? They all got struggles and shit they've gone through and it breaks my heart knowing that I was at one point in my life... Uneducated. So, I'm so sorry. I should've never treated you like that just because I didn't feel the same way. Hell, that group of friends I had? I don't even talk to them anymore. Don't even remember their names. They're losers anyway. Probably haven't had the growth that I did."

Shindo had said a lot, probably because he was nervous, but Izuku heard what needed to be said, that the other was sorry for what he did, and that it's been bothering him ever since.

He smiled, "Thank you, Shindo. It means so much to finally hear you say that."

"Of course! I'm glad you made it as a big-time photographer! I've been dreaming of seeing you again! Every night, I struggled to fall asleep since I just had to let you know how sorry I was for everything."

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