" its okay chris i'll be fine" i says using my feet to try and move him.

Suddenly jay comes into the room and puches my mom arcoss the face and knocks her out. Then my dad drops me and moves over to my brother. Jays faced was in deep fear and he realised my dad was closing in on him. I jumped onto my dads back and leaned back causing him to fall backwards. He landed right on me and i think i hit my head on the way down but im not sure.

*chriss pov*

As they fall harper hits her head off of the corner of the table.

"Harps!" I hear jay shout.

"Fuck" i whisper to myself.

The back of her head cracked right open. The floor was covered in blood. My hands were shaking as i heard a chuckle.

"You guys actually care about her huh?" Sophie said before she left. I followed her out after i saw jay calling an ambulance.

"Of course we care about her dont you?" I say to sophie. "She has been there for you ever since you guys were little she told you all her secrets. You treated her like shit sophie. She is the kindest girl ever and she is going through the most shit. The universe is not fair on her part. But you. You deserve every bad thing that ever happens to you. You caused that to happen" i point towards the living room. "You have hurt her in every way possible and i will always hate you for that. Your a fucking bitch and i want you out of my house now."

Sophies expression changed many times as i spoke to her, more like at her. "Im the reason it happened the first time" she hangs her head low "im sorry. I wasnt think i wanted her to realise how much she needed me. I miss her so much"

"Youre WHAT!" I raise my voice at her "youre sick you know that. You are seriously sick. You know how her parents are and you direct them at her TWICE" matt and nick enter through the front door and see me shouting at sophie. "Out!" She looked at me confused "out of my house!" She didnt move "NOW!"  She jumps at the sudden raise in my voice. But leaves regardless.

"Whats happened?" Nick asks placing snacks on the table.

"Just whatever you dont go in the living room unless you want to see a crime seen" they both ran into the living room. I went upstairs.

I packed an overnight bag as i was planning on staying as long as they would let me in the hospital with her.

Then there was a knock on the door. The police and paramedics run into the house after matt opened the door. They picked harper up and put her onto a stretcher and into the back of the ambulance.

"Chris go with her ill stay and talk to the police" jay tells me. I nod and follow them into the back of the ambulance.

On the way to the hospital, harper opened her eyes slighlty. "Chris" she whispered.

"Hey H im here dont worry" i say grabbing ahold of her hand.

"Am i going to die?" A tear falls from her eye.

I look to the paramedic and she shakes her head. "Of course not H. You can fight through this. I know youre strong enough" i tell her squeezing her hand.

Suddenly the ambulance stops and the take her into the building. I wait for two hours in the waiting room. Jay had been with the police officers and i told them everything i knew. Jay had gone to the police station to give specific details and show evidence. After the two hours were up and nurses came over to me.

"Are you chris?" She asked me

"Oh... yeah" i say stading up

"Are you in any relation to Harper Hayes?"

I nod "shes my best friend" i say and the nurse indicates for me to follow her and we walk to harpers room.

"She woke up a little earlier than expected so she may be a little out of it. Shes been asking for you since she woke up though." I smile over at the nurse before entering the room.

"Chris" harper cries.

"H dont cry" i say tears forming of my own as i make my way over to hug her. "I told you, you could do it"

Heyy again...
I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has commented positive things about my book each one makes me smile so hard you dont understand and it also encourages me to actually write another chapter. This book wasnt supposed to be anything proper like it is now... i expected like 5-10 reads maybe but around about 5k is absolutely crazy to me thank you all so much.

"You hate me?" ~ chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now