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Hey there guys! How are you all doing? Happy belated new year.

Now, coming to the point, I'm writing this to inform that I have my boards exams the next month, which is why I'm not on Wattpad mostly. Though, I check it once in a blue moon, and each time some of you have left a message either here in the comment section or either on my conversation board.

I apologize to all of them, for making you guys wait, but trust me, I'm also missing writing and your comments(who do). Writing is like a therapy to me, but at the moment my career is like more important too. 

But don't worry, I'm gonna update after 15th of March. After that, I have got a few days break in between, so in those days, I'll make sure I repay you guys by updating at least once in a day!

Till then, please be patient! I know it's not easy, as a reader, to be patient while the story is still ongoing. But I'll be back real soon! Promise!

Also, (just a request) you can follow me so whenever I have something to share about the book, you can be notified about the same, since I use Wattpad website over my phone, and not the app; not at the moment though, obviously.

Wish me luck! And my apologies again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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