(1) Somewhere in the haze.

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THE Loud ringing of ambulance echoed in the area as the paramedics transported 6 bodies out of the now burned house, getting them into the ambulances and starting the emergency services.

Six people, Two mid-forty adults, One in his late 60s, Two teenagers and a 8 years old boy.

All of them badly injured because of one person. A homicide.


Woojin felt like he couldn't breath. His head was hazy, memorise from the dark side clouding his senses. Even though it wasn't really he was feeling still an ache took place in his heart, hurting like he was 9 again. And suddenly everything was hard, breathing was hard, thinking was hard, moving was hard, Looking at this 8 year injured boy was hard. Too hard.

He wanted to breakdown right there. Cry and weep because of just how much pain he felt. But he knows he couldn't and shouldn't. So he took a deep breath and did his work, treating the kid's 4D burns. God. It felt awful even to say. How could someone do this to a literal child? Why would you do that?

But Woojin knew it all too well. Knew why and how people would do this. After all, he's been there and had survived something very similar. It still haunts him. He just wishes this boy too, would survive this.


3 hours. It took three hours in the surgery room to get that little kid back to health. Woojin was tired out of his will when he came out of the OR.

Now sitting on his desk, thinking about his childhood alike to the kid earlier, Woojin can't but get teary eyed.

20 June, 2007.

Little Woojin couldn't help but cry as he watched his Eomma and appa fight again in early morning. They kept shouting at each other, whispering hurt words and murmuring few curses thinking woojin was sleeping.

But the little boy was wide awake in his bed, hands on his mouth as he cried into his blanket. It has been like that since a few months now, something happened at his appa's workplace and he has been very sad & angry ever since. His eomma is also same. It happens way too many times now, his Eomma would ask something to his appa and then they would start arguing, keeping the little kid in the dark.

Woojin doesn't like it but he can't tell his mom dad to stop, worrying that they'll get angry at him for. He just wants his happy family back.

A loud sob slipped past his lips before he could stop it. his mom dad stopped arguing hearing him.

"Oh woojin"

"Baby don't cry, please"

They immediately scooped him into their arms, kissing his head and telling him they'll stop, everything will be okay.

"Appa is sorry honey, so sorry. I promise everything will be okay." His appa murmurs against his forehead, leaving a peak there.


Today's day was so nice, so nice that woojin wanted it to never end. his appa took him and eomma to picnic outside, they ate so well and so much today. They even went to a park and had so much fun!!! he was the happiest today.

His was eating his ice cream along with his eomma, giggling and laughing. But nobody noticed his appa's teary eyes as he took another bite out of the ice cream. woojin slept so soundly that night, the most peaceful sleep he'd had since months.


The next time woojin opened his eyes, he wasn't in his room, his mom dad weren't around him, he felt so out of place and also a lot sick. he was surrounded by white walls and unknown people, he just wanted to go home to his eomma and appa but he couldn't, because they weren't there anymore.



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