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    Monday gets here and we are divided in to ten groups of ten and puts on all ten buses. When we got on we were given a our bracelet. Hitoshi was put on my bus so he sits beside me. Each bus goes in a different direction. Everyone but me and Hitoshi are the last ones to get off. As we get off I am handed a piece of paper but the both of us are handed the same color backpack which happens to be neon green. We show Aizawa Sensei what our five items are before heading into the woods. Upon doing so I see a drone following us.

"Izu, what are we doing?" Toshi asks.

"First we are scouting the area. I need to see how bit the area is before doing anything. The next thing we'll be doing is finding water and an area to build a shelter." I say making him nod as he follows me.

When we get to the edge of one side of the area I see bright orange tape along side the neon green tape that matches our backpacks. We follow along the tape border until we get to an area that it cuts off. Instead of going into that area we turn and heads to the other side to find bright purple tape bordering the other side beside our bright neon green tape border. Afterwards we go to find a body of water with a flat area close by to set up camp. I found a creek that runs through both sides of us but it doesn't have enough water nor is it big. Toshi however walks ahead of me and found a small waterfall. I run up to him and hugs him which makes him turn red in return to which I smile happily at. With that we both sit down on a huge rock before looking through our backpacks. In both of them is the same things; a rope, a tarp, fish hooks, matches, a small frying pan, a compass, a pocket knife, a sheathed hand saw, flash light and a rolled up light blanket. We put everything back up before I direct Toshi to follow me.

"What are we doing?"

"We are going to set traps for whatever we can. I'm going to show you how to do it if I for whatever reason can't come and help you reset them of has to set up a new one somewhere else." I say making him nod in understanding.

I show him how it's done before making him do one himself before heading back to the where our campsite is going to be. I map out where our shelter is going to be and we take out our foldable shovels and gets to work on digging out a couple of inches out of the area I marked off. After that we take the hand saws and started getting sturdy small trees to erect the walks with. We cut little notches into them so that they fit like puzzle pieces or like giant linking logs. After we get the walls done we take mud along with pine straw and moss and insulates the inside and outside walls. While that drys I take out my notebook that has everything drawn and written down in I find the pages I'm looking for before we go hunting to theses particular plants. These help with keeping bugs away. We dig them up and replant so them around the shelter. After we do that I put the book back in my pack as we finish the shelter with fixing the roof doing the same to it like we did the walls. We take pine straw and moss and puts it in the dug out area. When we get done with that we put what we aren't using in the shelter so that it's not in the way.

"What's next?" Toshi asks.

"Fire pit but I'm thinking of making a smoker slash stone oven." I respond making him nod.

"That sounds like it has more that one use but how are we going to make that?"

"The same way we made the shelter just with rocks and mud." With that we gets to work.

Like the shelter we dig a couple of inches and makes a frame all the way around it with rocks that goes to about my knee if not a few inches taller afterwards we take mud and places it in between the crack of the rocks. We find a thin flat rock that covers exactly half of the area that we need to have access to the fire below and still be able to cook. Afterwards we finish making the fire pit, open faced smoker oven before building a fire inside and let's it catch up and smolder for a while before taking our canisters and taking them apart into four quart canisters. Separately our canisters are a gallon each but all in all we fill our canisters up with water and puts them in the oven to boil.

After doing that we goes inside our shelter and looks at the paper with our tasks on it.

Day 1 Tasks
Shelter.           8Pts.
Water.             6Pts.
Food.                6Pts.
Scout Area.   10Pts.

Total.               30Pts.

"We almost have all of them done." Toshi points out.

"Yup, all we have to do is check the traps." I say before we go to check the traps to see if we caught anything. To my surprise we caught two.

We take them out and fixes the traps back and takes to the two back to the campsite. I show Toshi how to do everything before portioning it out then takes everything that won't be eaten and buries them deep in the ground away from the
campsite. When I get back I see that Toshi has taken some fishing line and has strung up some of the meat and has it smoking in the pit while the other is cooking in one one the small frying pans. I also see that he has moved the canisters over a bit to the side but they are about to start to boil. When they start boiling we let them do that for a few minutes as the meat cooks.

Some time later I move the canisters after tucking my hands in the sleeves of my coveralls and carries them over too a flat rock to cool so that it is drinkable. When the meat is done we move the pan to the the same rock the cooling canisters are. While we are waiting for them to cool we set up our bed in the shelter. We put our bedrolls together side by side and takes the thin blankets out and places them on the beds before going to check the food and water. It's cool enough so we eat everything that was in the pan since the rest is being smoked. The water is still a bit hot so we wait on it to cool down some more before drinking a little bit of it.

We take the bones and buries them somewhere away from the campsite before taking some of the rope burning the ends of it and makes a makeshift door with it and one of the tarps. The other tarp we take it and some rope and puts it on top of the shelter for if it rains and we didn't get all of the holes. Since it's getting night fall I check the fire and the smoking rabbit before the both of us turn in for the night.

"We got all thirty points." Toshi stats as we lay down.

"That we did."

"I would not have been able to by myself."

"You told me already. But you don't have to worry about that now do you? Now let's get some sleep I'm sure we're going to have to do some type of training tomorrow plus I have to get up early to jog and do my morning work out." I say making him nod.

I don't know if he actually falls to sleep since all I know is that I definitely do. The work we did today was a workout all on its own.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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