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Both Hero Course classes are told to go to the Assembly hall. When I get there I sit off to myself instead of with my group of friends like I usually would. I watch as Principal Nezu clears his throat before speaking.

"I have decided to have you all do an exercise that will last a week. Each of you will be placed in different areas in the woods away from each other. When you are all dismissed to you homeroom so your teachers will give out a paper with the rules on it. When you are dropped off at your appointed location you will be given a list of tasks you have to do that individually has points. Everyday until the end of the exercise you will will be visited by one of Ectoplasms clones to give you a list of tasks for that day. You will also be given a bracelet that will be connected to our observation room. It will tell us if you need to be taken out of the exercise. You will also be given a backpack of necessary items for you to use. The exercise will start Monday."

We are all dismissed to go t our classrooms. Aizawa Sensei passes out the rules paper to the Survival Exercise before dismissing us for the rest of the day meaning we all head back to the dorms. Once there I immediately heads to my room and reads over the rules.

Survival Exercise Rules:

1️⃣ ➖ You can not for any reason uless it is in case you see someone is hurt and needs attention, you do not leave your assigned zone. (Your zone will be marked with tape the same color as the backpack you are given whe you are taken to your zone.)

2️⃣ ➖ You are allowed to help others. However, you are not allowed to purposfully sabotage them.

3️⃣ ➖ When making a fire make sure that it is out of some how contained to keep from spreading.

4️⃣ ➖ You are allowed to bring six things with you of your choosing but you cannot change anything when it's time to leave.

5️⃣ ➖ You can ask the Support Course to help you with things but weapons.

When I'm done I look up many things and writes them down in a notebook that I will be bringing with me. I also draw pictures of what I'll be looking at or will encounter. When I'm done with that I to the Support Course and asks Mei if she can make me a set of canisters that I can boil things in and compact and make one. I also ask he to make a bed roll that is slightly weighted with an attached pillow and blanket that is big enough to fit two people comfortably and keep them warm. I also requested that it be able to roll up like a sleeping bag. The next things I ask her to make is a pair of dark green coveralls with a detachable hood, socks, and a pair of steal toed combat lace up boots. All three with the ability to keep me warm or cool depending on the weather while also being water and fire proof. I also tell her that they can't have unnecessary technology that has to be charged since I'll be outside for a week. Before I leave I tell her to make two of everything but dark purple and that she can take her time on the purple set.

After that I heads to the store after messaging Aizawa Sensei that I'll be heading to the store. When I get there I buy fishing line and a foldable shovel. When I get back to the dorms I head to my room and takes out the Bowie Knife that I have put up in a hiding spot and puts everything up.

On Saturday Mei messages me telling me that she has almost everything ready for me and that if I want to get everything at once that she'll have the last thing done on Sunday. I tell her that I'll do that. Since the exercise was announced I haven't hung out with anyone much less spoken to anyone except Mei of course. Instead of going to talk with my classmates I go to the !-C dorms to hang out with Hitoshi. The two of us has gotten to know each other well enough to be on a first name basis now.

"So what are you guys doing?"

"Nezu is making us do a Survival Exercise in the woods by ourselves for a week."

"Um what?"

"You heard me Toshi."

"I did hear you but why?"

"I don't know. His entertainment? Him being bored? Him wondering if we can survive in the wilderness if we were stuck there or something. I don't know really. I'm not really surprised he would decide to make us do something like this. I'm just surprised all of the courses don't have to do it either."

"Yeah, but don't jinx us. I would not survive a week in the wilderness on my own."

"Maybe not on your own but with me you would." I say making him blush slightly.

"Has your class done anything to prepare?"

"Not that I know of but I'm really not sure. I haven't talked to them since Monday when the exercise was announced." I say making him nod.

"So you all had a week to prepare and they haven't done anything?"

"As I said 'not that I know of."

"I heard you the first time. I was just making you say it again so that I can laugh," he says chuckling making me deadpan and roll my eyes at him.

"Nice Toshi, very freakin' nice. If I did jinx you all here's a list you might need and I hope that they put one of you in each of our areas." I say before handing him a paper with a list of things that I had wrote down just in case something like that did happen.

"Also if you go to visit Mei she should have an outfit, bedroll, and canister set for you."

"You're acting like you're sure that us being added will be a sure thing."

"Don't be surprised if you and all of the General studies classes are called to the Assembly Hall today. Anyways I'm heading back to my dorm building." I say before leaving just as I hear Present Mic yell at his class to go to the Assembly Hall.

An hour later Hitoshi texts me annoyed that I jinxed them which makes me apologize to him profusely and tells him that I'll go to the store and gather what I had on the list for him before taking it to him in his dorm.

"Was Mei finished what I had made for you?" I ask knowing that he went to go see her while I was getting the other stuff at the store.

"Yeah, she was finished," he says before holding everything up to show me.

"Why is it purple though?"

"Because all of mine are green. Did they tell you anything?"

"Only that some of us will be sharing a section with your class and 1-B."

"I figured as such. I just hope that they put you in my section."

"We won't know until they tell us to get on whichever bus in the morning."

"Makes sense. Anyways, I'm heading back to my dorm. Try and get some sleep." I say making him nod before I leave and heads to my dorm building.

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