The Amby Award Top Picks | 2023

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Hello Writers, 

Thank you to all our participants whose stories kept us entertained throughout the long judging period, but now it's time to announce our Top Picks ♥

Please congratulate the following writers...  

-  Short story (5k to 10k)

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-  Short story (5k to 10k)

Tame by Robyn-Wolf

Midnight Trains by caralogue

-  Novella (anything over 10k to 50k)

Found Love by itsjessmurrell

My darling Allyssa by Urmancallmedaddy

Black Dress Wedding by 0liviaRose436

-  Novel (anything over 50k)

Fate Interrupted by LNRoberts1

Promise the Night by Aubreywhitten 

Russian Roulette: Family secrets by TheAlixDavenport

Leaves by JansOtherStories

Tricky Treats by misslibbyj

Once Upon a Knight by meganalexandria

Knee Pads by violadavis

Hook an Angel by KimberlyWesley

Fate Interrupted by LNRoberts1Promise the Night by Aubreywhitten Russian Roulette: Family secrets by TheAlixDavenportLeaves by JansOtherStoriesTricky Treats by misslibbyjOnce Upon a Knight by meganalexandriaKnee Pads by violadavisHook an Angel by ...

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- Short story (5k to 10k)

Middle School Mayhem: The Adventurers' Chronicle by Sharpcat5432

- Novella (anything over 10k to 50k)

Vengeful Creations by MarCafeWrites

Bad Wolves - A Grimmhold Tale by BellOfSilence

Ricochet by DeejayDJ010

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