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I moaned never felling better taking another bite of spicy chicken sandwich getting sauce on my lip.
"Look at yo ass" drew laughed at me wiping the sauce with his thumb then licking it. I smiled with my face warm and set down my sandwich.M LPe and dre went to get food after he got out of practice. "Where was you at when I got outa practice" dre asked curiosly "oh umm" memories of what me and hyun did flooded my brain as my cheeks grew hot. "I-i just was talking with hyun, he was waiting for his brother" I said a little over a whisper. He nodded his head taking a bite out of his chicken.

"Tell that hyun nigga to leave me alone" dre said slightly turning red. I couldn't help but to bust out laughing and I mean tears and all. After my little episode I look over at him to see him looking at my threw the corner of his eye with a red face."aww your so cute" I said pinching his cheeks as if he was a baby. "Man say let me go" he said pushing my hands away." Why don't you like him tho fr" I asked concerned because I was hoping they got along.

"He always starin at me weird an shit" he said looking a head while continuing to eat his food. I pick my sandwich back up taking a bite thinking. "Maybe if y'all were just by y'all self y'all would get along" I say swallowing my food. " Like a date" he said with a mug on his face " yes but no" I say with a smile "yea that's a no for me" he said trying to turn the radio up which played "deja vu by j Cole" "stoooop" i said smacking his hand away and turning it down.

"Its not date y'all are just gonna be hanging out like friends" I said as he started shaking his head "please please please pleeeeease" I said reaching over kissing all over his face as he started to smile. "Fine bruh damn" he said trying to hide his smile. "Ok" I said pulling out my phone I dial hyun number while finishing my sandwich. "Calling me so soon" he said picking up the phone with a smile." Yea, were are you" I asked seeing him in a dark room. "Just got home like 10 minutes ago" he said moving around " oh ok well dre wanted to talk to you" I say remembering what I called him for. Drew looked at me confused shaking his head although I just pushed the phone  towards him more and more.

"hello" dre said snatching the phone facing the camera towards the cieling of the car. "I can't see your face" hyun said finally resting the phone showing his pale skin shining in the dark room. Dre rolled his eyes silently moving the camera to face him." Now what did you want talk to me about" hyun said with a smile. "Umm I just wanted to see if umm you wanted to go out this weekend...j-just me and you" he said looking any were else but the phone and I couldn't help but find it so cute. I could see the smile on his face as he looked up in thought. "I'm sorry dre but I have to pick my parents up from the airport this weekend" hyun said with a smile still displayed on his face staring directly at dre.

I was shocked at what he said, I could've sworn he said he was free this weekend earlier."Alright" dre said just above a whisper still looking out the window handing the phone. "Ok well I'll call you later" I say rushed and embarrassed."ok 나의 사랑" (my love). He said hanging up. It grew silent and dre started up the car. "I'm sorry i-" "it's fine don't should've never ask" he said not even looking at me. That hurt. The rest of the rise was silent. He finally stopped in front of my house waiting for me to get out.

I looked at him and could see the hurt and embarrassment in his face. "Drew look at me please" I said as slightly turned his head towards me."I'm so sorry really" I said slowly." He blew a breath of air out as he closed his eyes " it's fine I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself" he said quietly looking at me. "why" asked because he shouldn't feel that way. "I don't even know I'm just tired" he said rubbing his eyes. " Ok, I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked with hope. He smiled and nodded as he kissed my head. I got out the car heading inside hearing him drive off.

I immediately pulled my phone out calling hyun. "Yes" he said with a sleepy voice " what the hell was that hyun" I said pissed because dre didn't need that." Look I really do have to pick up my parents" he said sounding sad " well why didn't you tell me i would've never made him ask you" "wait why did he ask me that anyway" that's not the point" i said still sounding upset."look I'll make it up to him ok" he said tiredly. "Ok that makes me feel slightly better".

He hung up and I headed to bed cause yo girl was tired


Ok y'all short one but another's coming fast promise

Love y'all

Word count:921

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