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I'm sitting at home watching sponge Bob when I get a notification on my phone 



Come to the park on
oak wood

                                                            Ok thks for 


                                                        Anything else

  I laugh as I get up to get dress until I hear a knock on the door. Not knowing who it is I Crack the door and see Andre (name change sorry)

"OH Andre chaniece isn't here or cam"

"I'm here to talk to you"

"Well I was on my way out" I say trying not to hurt his feelings but at the same time he's wasting my time

"Sorry you know I would call you but you've got me blocked so"

"Sorry it was a accident"

"Ion know what i did but im sorry mamas" he said making eye contact with me and I can't help blush

"I miss you" he said looking down at my lips I unconsciously lick them and look away. I look down at my feet having nothing else to focus on except his words

"I'll call you ok?" His deep voice husk and I just nod mentally palming myself in the face. I hear him chuckle as he walks away. what's wrong with me.

I close the door and finish getting ready.
I then began my journey to the park and I'm walking because it just 5 minutes away

Once I make it the I see jyunwoo and another boy in a hoodie. I see him laughing as they talk. Once my presence is known I hear the mystery boy say "damn" under his breath while hyunwoo walks towards me. Once close enough he give me a warm hug.

His big arms engulf me with a squeeze and I've never felt more relaxed. We sit like this for a minute with his head in my neck my he whispers sweet things

"You smell so good" his deep voice vibrating in his chest and I can't help but blush and push into him more with a smile. "Thank you"

I hear a voice clear and pull away. I see hyun face red with a smile and I can't help but smile harder. He turns around and introduced me with his brother jeahyun aka jea

"Helle pretty lady" he says as he holds a smile with the same accent as his brother

"그녀는 정말 아름답습니다. 당신이 그녀를 처음 만난 것은 행운입니다 " (she's gorgeous your lucky you met her first) he states still staring at me and I hear Hyun chuckle wrapping his arms around from the back and placing his chin on my shoulder

"I know" Hyun said back in English I started feeling self conscious because I didn't know what they were saying. "Don't worry he thinks your beatiful" he whispers in my ear."oh"

Jea pushes Hyun off me and he wraps his arm around my shoulder "Are you hungry let's eat" he said as he walked us to his car I'm guessing "you didn't bring you car correct" I nod "good" he said as he opened the car door for me

I smile as I got in and he closed the door going around to his side. I see Hyun walking up to the car and getting in then the car started moving

"What are you in the mood for"

I think for a moment then pick my go to "popeyes" I say with a small smile sense food was a sense of happiness to me

"Ok can you pull up the directions I've never been" he stated with a shy smile probably embarrassed

"OH of course sorry I should've know that" I say feeling stupid

"It's fine, um what do they exactly sell there head says as he turns slight red and I smile at his cuteness while I hear hyunwoo mumble something

"닭 바보" Hyunwoo said as he rolled his eyes
(Chicken dumbass)

"Well I didn't know asshole" jea said

"Can I have the aux cord" I asked because silenced started to rise and I couldn't stand awkward silence

"Huh" jea asked looking at me confused while Hyun handed me the aux cord and I thanked him "그녀의 전화와 차에서 음악이 재생됩니다." Hyun said explaining I'm guessing
(It plays music from her phone to the car)

I thank him as I play tyler the creator,sza,summer walker,and a couple other artist

Once we get there the boys just got chicken with fries and dry ass biscuits while I got a chicken sandwich with Mac n cheese


Word count 773
Ok yall sorry for the wait I've been goin through it so yea

And love you


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