ch -2

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(Ella's pov)
I didn't say anything to my father . deep
Down I also know saying anything would be a waste . I went to my room and I close the door . I know what I need to do now . I took my mother's photo fame and hug that fame This gives the peace this is what I really need now. "Mom, father has arranged my marriage. I am Missing you so much why did you leave me here all alone . Mom , I am very bad on them . They try their best to make me happy. Today when father say about my marriage I don't know why but I feel bad . I don't know why . But they also don't deserve the treatment I give them but I don't want to get married I don't deserve to be loved by anyone . The only thing I deserve is hate . You remember mom how I used to tell you everything whatever happens with me .I really miss you mom why you left me . I really need someone not someone but you only . No one can take your place . Mai really love me alot no matter how rudely I talk to her and that's why I am always in guilt . Why she love me that much ? She is really trying so hard . She giving more than 100% but I am only hurting her. I hate myself a lot . She love me a lot more than her real daughter and that's hurt a lot . Mom if I get married than I'm gonna miss her alot not only her but Ava and father also."

I heard a knock. "I don't want to talk ,get loss " . " Ohh ella it's me open the door " It's Amber my friend we used to be bestie but after my mom death I don't talk to her like I use to do . " Amber ,I don't want to talk. '' I said coldly."ella but I want " Amber said. " So what I don't want to" I said . " Ella open the door or I will wait here all night . It's your choice . Don't be stubborn " Amber said . How crazy she is and I know if I don't open the door she will wait . So I open the door " now what Amber " I said annoyingly. " I just came here for a talk with my bestie " Amber said " I told you 100 times I am not your bestie" I said . " Don't get angry and tell me what happen why are you looking like you are about to cry " Amber said . I hate when Amber gets to know that I cry but Amber is the only person who can literally read me like an open book no one can tell me how I feel except Amber. " As if you don't know what just happened I know Mia told you everything .so that you can comfort me " I said . " I know but I want to hear from you why you don't want to get married " Amber said softly. " I just don't want to " I said . " Ella , but why don't you want to start your own family. The love you deserve" Amber said " Amber , I don't deserve love" I said . " But why do you think so.. you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And you deserve the world ella " amber said .

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Mr sunshine and I जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें