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"Agent Adams."

"Ma'am, I know this is bad but-"

"Be quiet Adams."

After Iris got her bearings in the bathroom, Adams and Clef helped her to the medical wing. Strangely enough Clef chose to stay with Iris there while Adams went to contact O5-11 about this situation. Now, Adams sits before 11 waiting to hear what the O5 have decided on for the situation.

"Well Adams, I must admit that this is a big step back for Alpha-9. This will not go over well when word gets out about all of this."

Adams can feel her leg bouncing from nerves... something that rarely happens for her.

"I know this is bad but I promise if you all could just-"

"Let me speak, Adams."

"Yes ma'am.."

"Luckily, we have managed to have SCP-105 not get sectioned but she isn't off scott free."

Adams lets out an involuntary sigh of relief. While Alpha-9 might not be the best in her eyes, Iris doesn't deserve to get locked up over this.

"So what will happen to Iris if she isn't getting sectioned?"

"Several things."


As O5-11 starts to explain Adams can feel only listen with her eyes wide. Especially when 11 says that Iris will need supervision at all times.

"Wait, wait, wait, supervision? Like someone will basically be babysitting her?"

"Basically? Yes. She will have two guardians watching her. You, Adams, will be the main guardian."

"But what about field work? You said until her mental state is stable enough she will not be authorized to go into the field?"

"In the sense you get called to do field work, the second guardian will be watching her."

"And who is this second guardian?"

O5-11 is silent for a while but eventually lets out a loud sigh

"Dr. Alto Clef."

Alto Clef? The cocky son of a bitch who doesn't care for others, watching a sucidal girl? This has to be a joke. Clef can't be trusted to keep Iris safe, if anything he will make it worse!

"That can't be correct! That bastard doesn't care for anyone, let alone an SCP. He will probably urge her to do it!"

"While I do agree with you, Adams, the others have looked over the situation. Clef was the first on scene, he allegedly stayed with her the entire time, and helped calm her down during that time. While it may be risky, he seems to have the potential to help her and if SCP-105's mental state gets too bad, Clef will be close enough to get rid of her."

"This is insane!"

"Would you prefer she get sectioned and Alpha-9 get shut down?"

"No ma'am, but-"

"No buts. This conversation is over. Go tell 105 her new restrictions."

So Leave Yourself Alone, AftermathМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя