chapter 3 'i have conditions to this facade of ours'

Start from the beginning

"You were planning on ditching me like you always do, you know what... I want to come see what games you guys play , are they more like the ones father used to make us play or are they more challenging?." I smile and he gives me a stoic look . " You're not going anywhere go and sleep Delia " he deadpans and I narrow my eyes at him . " Since when did you become controlling, no worries I'm coming with and you're not about to stop me anyway . " I say blankly turning and off to his room before he could say anything else .

I pull out a black hoodie,gray track pants went to the bathroom and changed into them , I didn't even brother to think about the fact that the only thing I had under the hoodie was my white sports bra... who would know ?? Nobody, exactly so I then make haste as I walk downstairs seeing that they were waiting for me so we could all leave . I got into Nick's sports car and we drove of

About 30mins later we stopped in the middle of the road . I walked and saw them come out aswell as I realised that they were going to race . I looked around my surroundings seeing that it was a sports arena only that it was private as in not a lot of people were there.

Maya pulled me to seating area as she explained what was happening... after every the elite circles birthday they came here for a race . The bet was 500,000 dollars whoever won the race would get the money ,all of it .

"So why dont you join them ?" I ask curious to know.

"The girls aren't allowed to .. it's tradition." I look at her with a bored expression at her words

I hear yelling coming from the race track only to realise I wasn't even paying attention to the race which had started a long time back while Maya was explain things to me .

"I won" Nick said in an annoyed tone as Xavier said otherwise. While Alex had stopped his car midway the race track as if he knew something like this would happen . Xander on the other hand was laughing his arse off... " It's a tie " Gia said with an annoyed tone " you can either split the money or re-race . "

"Unless" a smirking Alex finally saying something ... "Unless what "Gia retorted. "Unless the opposite genders race " he remarked looking at me afterwards.

"Oh that too "Nick looks at me grinning... "since she is my baby sister and practically since Gia is Xavier s cousin ." I gracefully smile at them as they gave me judgy looks.

"I'm a little crusty but I can try "... I look at Gia who practically scoffed at my remark .

"Let's do it then" she replied taking Xavier s helmet from his hands . I simply walk over to Nick and he hands me the keys ... I put the helmet next to the driver seat ... I'm sorry but I always had that reckless tendency I was born with .

I look over to my side of the window and show a thumbs up at Gia who looked at me as if I was crazy. Red.... yellow..... blue go! I started the car on a normal pace as I could see that Gia was already ahead of me , I want the car to be as light as possible so when I put the pressure on the tires they go faster than they should. I could see we were already half way across the finnish lines As I decide to up my pace i and go faster she tries to knock my car out , we were getting close to the finish line I had to do something and quick! So I bumped her car, I open my door and drift to the finish line ...I won ! I really won ! I walked out the car tossing to keys to Nick who looked at me dumbfounded and Gia storming out stomping my way ....

"Are you insane you could have killed me you bitch!!!" Looking at me furiously and I look back at her pissed

"What did I say about language , for the record you wanted to knock me of the track, you should be glad I took mercy on you otherwise this could have ended otherwise "

"You fucking bitch" as she raises her hand to slap me but someone stops her. "She won you lost now deal with it , dont be a sore loser" a hoarse voice said .I turn to look who's hand it was only to find that it belonged to Alex bluntly looked at his sister .

"But Alex she almost fuckn killed me and I wanted to shutter that ego of hers "

"Oh is that so?" I said looking at her dead in the eye . "Thank you Alexander but I can take it from here ... "he stepped back and I leaned in closer to her

"Oh sweetheart if I wanted to kill you dont you think I would have done that a long time ago ? I mean I dont hate you or anything that would be childish if you ask me. " I look at her face which was red and pale at the same time , starting the breathe rapidly . "Relax dear I'm not harmful just playful" I look at her and smile and step back as I turned and mert Alex's eyes , those silver eyes now I understood why girls were calling him a demi god. I trun aging and I'm faced with a happy Nick ..." You stingy bastard you should be glad I won" he smiles at me widely .

"Oh well I have the best baby sister afterall". He replies ..." which by the way damaged my car "as he reaches out for his phone from his pocket to make a call . After he gets of the call he turns to me , then to Alex ... "hey can you drive my sister home if you dont mind" he says and Alex simply nods .

I later got into his car and sat with him in silence as he started driving.

"Where'd you learn how to drive like that?? "He asks his face still looking expressionless , usually I would look at a person and just tell what type of person they were without even giving it much of a thought but he , I dunno I just couldn't read him at all. "My uncle taught me when we were younger." I replied with a calm voice .

I could feel his look at me every presicly 50 seconds and the motion of his grip on the sterring wheel would change . He keeps a stern face , like he does want to smile or anything like that he is completely different from Nick yet they are best friends how odd but it makes me want to know more about him .

He stops infront a cabin and turns to me ... "do mind if we stay here for a while i want to go check something you can come with if you want" . He looks at me with his serious

"Why are you always so serious ?? Seriously I've never seen you do anything besides smirk . "I say reluctantly as I open the door to go out.

He doesn't answer I just shrug it off and follow him into the cabin .... "Socialization is not one of my many talents " he finally replies.. before I could say anything more my phone rings...

"One moment please" as I walk out of the cabin ... Hello father what do you want? I said in a disgusted tone

"Can I not check on my daughter now?" He sarcastically says through the phone. Since you are almost of age I want you to get married to my business associate's son .

"What!No! "I shouted through the phone ... "I am a 17 year old for fucks sake ! And to who ... Cole? I'd rather die than to marry that bustard!!

"I'm not asking you daughter , you are going to get married to him I'm not going to be debating on this"

"But father..... I simply cannot and we both know why! "Sweetheart who are you talking to ?" A sweet sexy voice says only to find that Alex said that , I was stunned but father quickly took me back to reality

"Cordelia who is That?"

"Oh father I simply refused because I have a boyfriend" I shot back

"I do not care you are getting married to him be home in a few days we have to discuss this"

"But father" ... he cuts the line off and ends the phone call. I turn in frustration " thank you But nothing will work trust me I've reasoned with him every time he paired me with someone, but he doesn't seem care about my say in this "

"What if you don't? "He looks at me with a small grin

"What are you suggesting ?" I look up at him with a curious face

"My father also wants to get me married to expand our family empire and because you are a Sin Claire your family is close to my family what if we just tell them we are datting??then when they cut the marriages off for us we break up because of some misfortune..." I give him a loud grin ... "that's a really great idea but I have conditions to this facade
Of ours "

"Those might be?"

"We cannot date at all , everything we do means nothing to each other and we have to be really convincing if we're going to have to keep this up . Lastly you can do anything with whoever just not infront of me that would really be uncalled for ..."

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