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ISABEL, I heard my mum shrill voice.

Immediately I jumped to a sitting position and answered her with a "yes, but couldn't hide the irritation in my voice, l glanced up at the clock, it was just 6AM, Why can't she let me sleep? Why didn't she call Mirabel instead, I groan letting out my frustration as I grumbled into the pillow and turned to the other side seeing her on my bed, "Did she sleep here last night? "Well obviously yes", My subconscious self answered.

Waking up my twin sister, who is also my best friend, my adviser, she's one of the most adorable, understanding and amazing person in my life, though we're totally opposite in character, Identical but can be easily recognized due to our skin type, height and most obvious of all our character.

In one word I describe my self timid and describe her as carefree but loving person.

" ISABEL AND MIRABEL" come to the living room now.

I jumped out of the bed this time as I heard my mum calling out our names together, Mirabel also stood up, that instance I remember it our our resumption day.

Then I realized probably the reason my mum is trying to get us out of bed.

"Isabel, Mirabel called me and we both jump and hug each other, seems we already understand each other thinking.

We are excited because of the resumption, after what felt like a year Vacation we're finally resuming.

Wow the excitement of going back to college, knowing that this stage we're about to progress to, Is our final year of college life.

"How does it feels being in your final year of college, " Mirabel asked and I just can't help but smile.

We hug each other again to share our happiness, teased ourselves about who we missed the most and what to wear for the day, before we decided to answer our mum's call.

"GOOD MORNING", we greeted our parents with simile faces, "What do you think they want to discuss with us, Mirabel whispered, "Well judging from their expression it's nothing bad I guess, I whispered back, Let go sit then we said in unison.

My father put his mug of tea on the table and looked over to us smiley, before he gestured his hands to us to come sit with them on the sofa.

"So........, My father started and we both looked at each other wondering what he has to say.

"This is about a business banquet I was invited to along with you guys, by some business partners, he said looking at our faces for any reaction, he continued, which happens to be this weekend.

I thought telling you guys earlier will be helpful so you could be prepared, especially you duo, he said using his hands to gesture to us, "We both looked at each other with the expression that says, "Do you understand what he's saying?

"The Banquet will be a big event, host by an influential person, "Guest are coming from various kind of prestigious family.

"Those kind of people are not the kind you see or relate with on a normal day, so you duo should be careful.

I and your mother might not be with you for some time during the event but we will be around having conversations with some business partners and friends.

"Do you guys understand what I said? My father asked, we both nodded our head, "Yes dad".

Mirabel was about to ask questions, regarding the banquet before we had our mum's voice saying..........."it's time to get ready for college, you guys don't wanna be late on your resumption day.

"Go to your rooms freshen up and join us for breakfast.

"Alright mum".

We went to our separate rooms.

Getting into the bathtub, I closed my eyes relaxing my body into the warm water, letting go of all my worries and letting peace take over my body and senses, I stayed like that for some minutes before I had Mirabel humming to a song I couldn't hear clearly, I came out of the bathtub, had a shower, wrap a towel around my body, then head out of the bathroom seeing Mirabel sitting beside my closet all my clothes spread around on the floor, creating a mess.

"What are you doing in my closet, why haven't you gotten dressed yet, and why were you on my bed this morning? " OKAY, too many questions but I will answer one at a time.

"First, I was hoping I could find you a sexy dress to wear but couldn't find any.

"Second, I want us to be the center of attention for the day, as we make entry into the college, so for that to happen, we have to wear a sexy outfit.

"And for the last question, I just love sleeping on your bed next to you...... I cut her off before she could continue, "No plssss I don't want to wear a sexy dress, I don't want to be the center of attention plssss, and don't worry, my bed and room is always open for you, "two minutes older sister", but plssss I don't want to be the center of attention, I have been keeping a low low profile ever since our first year I don't want to lose that, not today please, I try to explain while begging her but I know she has made up her mind on this, I know she wouldn't give in to my plead.

"Just for today, you Know I will always keep you safe right? Let do this today please.

I glanced at her joined hands and her puppy eyes, and said "Yes", without even realizing it, but it was too late to take back my word, she stood up and hug me, seeing how excited she was I felt relaxed, "You're the one acting like the younger one here, I said making her glare at me, I in response smiled at her.

We both went to her room to pick out the so call "Sexy Dress", I was sitting on her bed wondering how the dress would look on me, while trying to understand the Mystery behind the reason she wants us to be the center of attention.

"Try this on, she said showing me a red, off shoulder, thigh length dress.

I stood up, going to the mirror stand, putting on the dress, l looked at the mirror and gap.

The dress is attractive, bringing out my curves, and giving me the sexy look my sister is aiming for, I find myself falling in love with this part of myself, but I feel bad about the purpose of this new look, " Well she will be there with you, nothing can happen to you while she's there, so relax and enjoy this day my subconscious self replied".

"OMG", You look stunning, yeah all thanks to you, I replied, still amazed at how attractive I look. Rate my fashion sense, I had Mirabel say, so I turned to look at her outfit.

A yellow crop top matching it with a black leather skirt reaching her thigh, giving her a wild but sexy look, you look gorgeous, ohh yeah, I have always known that, she said laughing.

We style each other's hair, use lip gloss and eyeliner for makeup, and completed our look with a pair of sneakers.

This is my first ever novel I'm writing.
So, as a first time writer, I know there will be mistakes or grammatical error.
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Thanks, till the next chapter.

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