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We arrived in Italy for the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix and the weather was beautiful. "Darling can you help me please?" Nova asked as she gave me puppy eyes while gesturing to her bottle of Gatorade. "Really love? A Gatorade?" I asked as I stepped towards her to take it from her. "It's really tight though." She said and I'll admit it was an insanely tight lid. "Here you go." I said as I handed it to her now opened. "Merci." She said and I smiled at her. My father would have loved her. So would Jules. Maybe they sent me her.
I sat on my seat as i listened to Nova talking to reporters at the conference. One question in particular caught my attention. "What makes you and all the other drivers similar?" The guy asked. She sat up a bit straighter and put that signature smile on. "We were all born to die." She said. Bit morbid but she has a point. "What do you mean by that?" The same guy asked. "No sane person would put them selves into a open wheel, open cockpit vehicle and go two hundred miles per hour around a black top track. So when every single one of us were born with that destiny to be a race care driver, we were born to die. To accept death in it's finest form. We aren't afraid to die." She spoke so calmly and confidently. I know she hates reporters but that was a beautifully dark way to put things. They shifted to a few others and we were finally done to go do as we pleased. We walked out of the room and i sighed in relief. "I'm going to fucking sleep." She said as she walked up to me. "You look exhausted jolie." I said. She just simply nodded and shot me a small smile. "Let's go then." I said and she smiled.
"Last chance for a lap. Go." I clicked the button on my steering wheel and went around another fast lap. I currently sat P1 but I knew Nova, Max, Carlos, and Lewis weren't too far off of me and we were all going to be going for this last chance. Nineteen turns and almost five kilometers. I made my way around each corner and down each straight as perfectly as possible and I saw my screen flash all purple. Let's just hope theirs don't as well. "One second here Charles they all have to come through." I heard over my radio. "Max P2." That just made tomorrow harder for sure. "Lewis P3, Carlos P4, Nova P5." "Yes!" I yelled then it hit me. Nova didn't make the podium. I wonder what happened? That's out of character for her and the new car it seems. I made my way around and pulled down pit lane towards the podium. I jumped out and pumped my fist into the air as fans cheered and hollered.
I walked into the Redbull garage and smiled at Christian. "Amazing drive." He said. "Thank you." I replied. "We have a Redbull front row lockout, try and lock up those one and two spots on the podium tomorrow as well." He said. "I'll try my best." I said and he nodded. "I ought to have your fucking head Verstappen!" I heard a female voice yell. I turned around to face Max's side of the garage and saw Nova storming in on a mission. Oh shit. "What the fuck did I do?" He asked. "Oh really? How about you held me up almost the entire fucking go through of Q3 you fucking pompous ass!" She yelled. Her voice echoed around the whole garage. I saw Christian out of the corner of my eye and he just stood staring. Max rolled his eyes and went to turn away from her then she snatched the collar of his suit. "Hey!" Christian yelled and she snapped her head over and glared at him with daggers in her eyes. She looked back at Max and yanked his collar to being his face inches from her own. "Doe het opnieuw en kijk wat er gebeurt. Je bent geen god, je bent niet onsterfelijk. Jij bent gemaakt van vlees en bloed. Ik zal niet aarzelen om je rood te laten bloeden Max." She said harshly. Whatever she said, I'm sure it wasn't an invite to dinner. She released her grip on him and walked out. "She's a spitfire that's for sure." Christian said. "Yeah. That she is." I said. Boy tonight was gonna be interesting.
"So what was that all about?" I asked glancing over at her in the passenger seat. "He held me up almost all of Q3. I would have been much higher up if he would've just let me go but no. He had to be a dick." She said sighing. "Save it for tomorrow. Don't crash him but prove a point." I said and she nodded. We arrived at the hotel a few minutes later and went to our room. "I'm tired. I'm gonna change and get some sleep." She said opening her bag. "Okay." I said and opened up my bag as well. She went into the bathroom and changed. When she came out I went in and changed as well. By the time I came out she was laying in bed watching something on the television. "I love you." I said. She looked over to me and smiled. "I love you too." She replied. I walked over to the bed and laid down next to her. "What are we watching?" I asked. "No idea. I cant read anything on it." She replied and i chuckled. "Here." I said and grabbed the remote off of her chest. I started scrolling through channels when I got to the movie ones. "Ooo okay these I can read they're in English." She said smiling. I handed her the remote and she started going through the movies. She settled on the movie Rush. Shocker shocker. I looked at her and she giggled. "You're something else." I said and she just smiled. She laid her head on my chest and slowly drifted off into sleep. It didn't take me long to fall asleep either.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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