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I woke up with the sun in my eyes and I groaned. Why does this man never close the blinds? "She's awake." I heard and looked over. I saw Charles sitting on the other side of the bed with a smile on his face. I groaned again and he laughed. "Get up we're going to breakfast." He said and patted my on the shoulder. "Okay okay." I said and sat up. I got up and hobbled over to my bag. I opened it up and pulled out a nice summer dress that was black with red trim. I grabbed my sandals and them put away the right one since I was still in this damn cast. I zipped my bag back up and I went into the bathroom. I pulled off my shorts and tank top then threw on my dress. I sat down on the ledge of the tub and put on my sandal. I stood up and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I pulled it up into a messy bun and called it done. I walked out and Charles was standing next to the door with his clothes in his hand. "Wow. You look nice." He said looking me up and down. "Thank you." I said and he winked. I giggled and moved out of the way.
"So what are you feeling like having?" Charles asked glancing over at me and back to the road. "I'm not sure. Just breakfast food." I said. "Okay Mon chéri." He said and i smiled. "Please tell me what that means Char." I pleaded. "It means My Darling in English." He said. Blood rushed to my face painting a red tinge on my cheeks. "That's sweet." I said and he smiled. We drove for a bit longer and he parked in front of a little cafe looking place. He got out and walked around to the back door. He pulled out my crutches and opened up my door. "Oh thank you." I said and stood up on my left leg. I grabbed the crutches and placed them under my arms. "Ready?" He asked and i nodded. We made our way in and sat down in a booth. "Marhaban madha yumkinuni 'an 'ajealak tshirbu?" A girl asked. I looked at Charles hoping to god he knew Arabic and he didn't. "Euh, Anglais ou Français?" He asked. Her eyes lit up a bit and she smiled. "Oui je parle français je suis tellement désolé je ne connais pas l'anglais." She said. "Only French. So tell me what you want." He said. "Sprite please." I said and he nodded. "Sprite pour elle et une eau pour moi s'il vous plait." He said and she nodded. "You need to learn French Chéri." He said. "Ah i would've but you and Pierre won't teach me." I said and he laughed a bit. "Sorry sorry. I will teach you." He said and i smiled.
Breakfast was amazing. We got back to our hotel around 11am and i flopped onto the bed. "When does the flight leave?" I asked. I was going back Louisville for two weeks and Charles wanted to join. "Six we need to start packing up. We have to check out at one." He said. "Okay." I said and got up. I hobbled around grabbing my things and throwing them into my bag. I got all my stuff out of the bathroom the. put it in my bag and zipped it up. "Hey I'll get the rest sit down please." He said putting his hands on my shoulders. "I'm almost done though." I said. "I know. I'll get the rest. Sit." He said and i nodded. "Alright." I said and sat down on the bed. We had a fourteen hour flight to JFK then a seven and a half hour layover then we leave JFK to Louisville. "Okay all packed. We will leave at twelve thirty." He said. "Sounds good." I said. We had half an hour to sit around and i just laid down. I felt a weight on my legs so I looked up and saw Charles sitting on my thighs. "Yes?" I asked and he just smiled. "Can i kiss you?" He asked. "I'm not gonna say no." I said and he smiled even bigger. He leaned down and planted a soft kiss of my lips. I kissed back and I felt him smile into the kiss.
I laid my head on his shoulder as we sat at our gate waiting to board. He was playing a game on his phone so I just watched as he played. I didn't feel like grabbing my phone as is so it worked out great for me. "Are you hungry?" He asked. "A little but I can't wait till the on flight meal." I replied. "Well I'm hungry. I'm gonna go over to McDonalds, what do you want?" He asked. "Am I allowed to say no?" I asked. "I'll just get you something I think you'll like so not really." He said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and sat up. "Some fries and a drink is fine." I said and he nodded. He disappeared into the crowd and i pulled out my phone. "Excuse me miss." I heard and i looked up. I saw a little boy and who I assumed to be his father standing there. "Yes?" I asked with a smile. "Are you Nova Daniels?" The man asked. "Yes I am. How can I help you?" I asked. "Would it be okay if my boy took a photo with you?" He asked. His English was broken a bit so I wondered if the boy didn't know it. "Yes of course." I said and stood up. "Ze zei ja. Ga Damien staan." The dad said. Dutch. "Ah jullie zijn nederlanders. Aangenaam kennis te maken Damien." I said and the boys eyes lit up. His dad looked shocked and i smiled. "You speak Dutch?" He asked. "Yes. I learned it for fun and it comes in handy sometimes." I said and he smiled. We took the picture and they thanked me. They said goodbye and disappeared into the crowd. "Here you go." Charles said sitting down. I opened the bag and saw a ten piece with fries. I laughed and he smiled at me. This man.

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