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Long time no see fuckers. Let's give you a recap, Netherlands I got second behind Max and Charles got third with Carlos in fourth. My parents left before I had to deal with them after the race so thank god for that. Monza i won with Charles second and Carlos third, Max took himself out like an idiot. Singapore my engine fucked me so Max won with Carlos second and Charles third with somehow Pierre in fourth. Japan I got second to Charles with Max in third and Carlos in fourth. So now that you're all caught up on how we all raced in these silly little cars, let's bring it back to where we are now, Qatar.
I had my earbuds in listening to my music and I felt a hand tap me. I turned and saw Lance. I popped out one of my earbuds and smiled. "Hey," I said. "Hey Nov, how are you?" He asked. "I'm good just vibing. How about you?" I asked. "I'm good. What are you listening to?" He asked. "Country music." I said and he laughed. "May I listen?" He asked. "Of course." I said and handed him my earbud. "So where are you headed?" He asked. "Bitch I'm gonna get some food food. Not that snack shit they have in the trailer." I said and he laughed. "Shit, I'm game let's go." He said and we started walking towards the food. Oklahoma smokeshow came on and I smiled. This song made me feel something I normally don't. When I left for F2 my hometown boyfriend ended the relationship even though I begged that we could make it work long distance and I'd fly him out to watch me. But he was the same as my father. Horsepower on four hooves, not four wheels. I almost became that small-town smokeshow because I almost just stayed in Kentucky. "This is sad." Lance chimed in. "Yeah but if you lived it, it hits hard." I said.
"Charles, what the fuck dude?" Max asked as he pushed him. "Dude I didn't mean to chill the fuck out." He replied. Qualifying didn't go so hot for the Redbull boys. They hit each other big time and in my opinion, they're both in the wrong. Max could've moved and Charles could've moved, but neither one did so they hit each other. I walked my happy ass over there to break up the bull shit since it seemed they weren't listening to anyone else. "Yo, both of you knock it the fuck off." I said and stood between them. "Nova fuck off." Max spat. "No Max I will not fuck off. Knock it off. You both are stupid in this situation and you both could've moved but your egos are in the fucking clouds. Use your brains, you idiots." I said and they both shut up. "Thank you. Max go to your driver's room. Charles go to your room. If I hear one more thing out of either of you I know Christian will let me whoop both of your asses." I said and they both nodded. I sighed as they walked towards their rooms and once I heard two doors close I walked away. "Thank you, Nova!" Christian yelled. "Thank you, Nova!" The entire garage yelled. I laughed and waved. "You're welcome." I said back and they all went about their business. "I might have to hire you to keep them from killing each other." Christian said sighing. "Not necessary," I said and laughed. "Congrats on pole today Miss Ferrari." He said. "Thank you, sir." I said. "Ah, I must be going." I said checking my phone for the time. "Good seeing you. Thanks for saving someone's life." He said. "My money is on Max just saying." I said and he laughed.
"Verstappen got the fastest lap. Get it moving kid." "Copy."  Forty-one laps down with the lead, sixteen to go, and keep it. Having made a pit stop a few laps ago I wasn't worried about running my tires down I just didn't wanna be pushing my luck. "Leclerc and Sainz are going at it in the back. Keep your pace and we will be good." "Copy." Damn, I'll have to rewatch this race to see that battle. Carlos had good defense but Charles had the patience to wait for him to fuck up. And unfortunately for my team and Carlos, he did because the next thing I saw was two Redbulls in the distance of my mirrors. Well shit, I guess I better get my ass moving more. "Fastest lap, keep up the pace." "Got it."
"There's the checkered flag and here comes that red Ferrari, Nova Daniels first, Leclerc second, Verstappen third." "Whoo hoo yeah baby!" I yelled pumping my fist in the air. "You're on track for a good spot in standings kid." I heard and I smiled. I know I won't win the championship this year but damn, I'll be in the top five and that's good enough for me.
"Come on Nova." Pierre begged. "But bro I don't have shit to wear all my going out stuff is dirty." I said. They all wanted to go clubbing and Pierre drew the short straw of trying to get me to come out. "Put on a T-shirt and jeans, and I'll pick you some shoes." He said. "Ugh, fine." I said and threw myself out of my bed to my suitcase. I grabbed a Ferrari shirt and a pair of grey jeans then walked into the bathroom. "Nova, what do you call those boot things you wear?" Pierre asked. "Ropers?" I asked. "Yes, those! Will those work?" He asked. I laughed about it and shook my head. "Yeah, those work." I said. "See I'm good." He said. I laughed and walked out of the bathroom. I sat down on my bed and pulled on my boots he picked out. They were black and simple but they were comfortable so I never gave a shit about the weird looks when I'm in another country. "May I ask you something?" Pierre asked. "You just did." I said and he sent me an eye roll. "Yes, you can." I said. "Why do you have so many tattoos?" He asked. "Well, I didn't like myself a lot when I was younger and I wanted to make me like myself so I did things that made me happy and made me feel good. Getting tattoos was one of them." I replied.

I am so sorry y'all. I hit major writers block the last few days but I'm gonna try to get a few chapters out this week. Thank you all so much for reading. I know it's not perfect on spelling or the right words some places but once it's fully up I plan on going through and editing it all to its correct form. Have a wonderful day/night and for the Americans here, happy 4th🫶🏻🇺🇸

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