(A/N:) I hope you like the story so far, please vote, and please comment and tell me what you think so far! :)

Chapter two

Thirty minutes later... The police and my mom had arrived. I was integrated by a fairly old policeman. I told everything I remember, but I feel that he wasn't buying it. I walked over to my mom.

"Hi, sweetie. How do you feel?" Mom asked.

"Scared. I'm just glad that you weren't home, you could've died yourself," a shiver crawled down my back.

"I'm glad that you weren't home when that psycho was here," Mom pulled me in for a hug.

I saw two CSI guys come out with two people sized hefty bags. A balding CSI guy came up to me.

"The murder weapon and your sisters heart was not found anywhere. I promise you that we will find the murder, and that he locked up," he informed Mom and I.

"Okay, will that be all?" Mom asked.

"I would suggest staying somewhere for the night, until we have everything cleaned up. You might not be able to come home for the next two weeks, or at least until the investigation is closed," CSI told us.

"Can we grab a few things then?" I wondered.

"Yeah, and my fellow investigator, Ted, will escort you so you won't have to worry about messing up the crime scene," CSI answered.

Ted walked with me up to my room, I grabbed five t-shirts and five tank tops and five pairs of shorts and two pairs of yoga pants, and three pairs of pajama pants. I got my makeup, my hair straightener and my phone charger. I went into the kitchen and got my purse and cell phone. I put my stuff in the trunk of my moms car, I noticed that she only had two suitcases and that I had three suitcases and two bags. My cheeks grew red hot seeing that I had a lot more baggage than my mom.

"Where are we going stay?" I asked Mom.

"Uh, I guess we will stay at a hotel for a while," Mom answered.

"Uhn," I groaned, "but hotels are gross, for all we know, the last people could've fucked in there."

"Abbie! Language! And where r we supposed to stay? We're not going to stay at your grandma's house after what happened," Mom told me.

We piled into her car and we drove to the nearest hotel that was closest my school. Twenty minutes later, we were at The Dreamcatcher Hotel. After Mom and I were checked in, and all settled in, I called James. I filled him in all of the evenings events. After an hour of talking, I wished him a goodnight, and he promised to see me at school. Once I told him that I love him, I fell in a deep sleep.

(A/N:) I hope that you like this chapter and please comment what you think, vote for it, and follow me! Also be sure to tell your friends!

Chapter three

All through the night I kept hearing noises, but what really woke me up was the sound of footsteps. I jerked myself up and I looked over to see my mom missing.

"Mom?" I barely croak out. I stepped out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. Mom was no where to be found. I searched around the small hotel room and noticed that her bags were still there. Including her cell phone. If Mom was to leave and go somewhere, no matter what, she would make sure to have her phone with her. Were those sounds I heard throughout the night the noises of my mom getting kidnapped?! I put on a pair of my tennis shoes, grabbed my phone and the room key, and ran out. I walked up to the receptionist.

"How can I help you?" the man with dark features asked.

"Uh, did you see anyone go up to my room and come out with a woman with light blonde hair?" I asked.

"Hmm I don't remember a man and a woman. This man could've came in and left while I was on break."

"Was there anyone that could've filled in for you? Like another receptionist?"

"Nope I'm the only one on duty tonight."

"Huh. What about security cameras? You have them up, don't you?!" I was starting to get frustrated with this guy, he wasn't helping and my mom could be in trouble.

"Nada. Sorry, maybe next time," receptionist guy answered.

"Yeah, next time," I ran out and sure enough my moms car was in the parking lot. Written on the back window was: "today I got your mom. Alive. Tomorrow I'll still have your mom. Dead." He has to be kidding right? He can't possibly have my mom. He can't kill her, she did nothing to him! Maybe Mom walked over to the gas station and she forgot her phone.

Beep beep beep. My alarm clock screamed. I sat up and turned off the alarm. I looked to my left and saw Mom sleeping peacefully. Oh thank god it was just a dream. I don't know what I would have done if she really was dead. Twenty minutes later, I walked into my school.

(A/N) I know this is a short chapter, but I promise I will have a better chapter! Please comment about what you think (but please be nice!), vote, and follow me! :)

Chapter four

"Aren't you that girl who killed her dad and sister?" A random girl asked me.

"Obviously, that is the same girl that went to rehab for cutting. She is crazy enough to kill two people," a guy I don't know answered for me.

"Then why did you do it?" Some girl with brown hair asked me.

"I didn't do it!" I yelled. I found Lauren and I ran up to her. "Lauren, you believe that I didn't do it, right?" I asked.

"Well...." Lauren trailed off.

"Please don't tell me that you think I did it!" I exclaimed.

"You were the one that found them," Lauren responded.

"Alice! You know that I wouldn't kill anyone," I was starting to lose hope, why would I even threaten myself?

"I'm so sorry, but it does seem like you killed them. You were in fact the person that found the bodies, so it only makes sense..." Alice answered.

Everyone thought that I was responsible for the death of half my family... James! He knows I didn't kill them, we talked for an hour. "James, please tell everyone that I didn't do it!" I demanded.

"Um, guys, uh, you can't possibly, um uh, think that Abbie would, uh murder her sister and, um, father," the way James replied, seemed like as if he wasn't completely convinced.

I opened my mouth to speak, but instead of my voice, Danny's came out. "It's okay, Abbie, I know that you didn't murder your dad and sister," Danny reassured me. "Come with me, we will hang out," he demanded. Danny jerked me away from the crowd.

All of the school day I was blamed for the murder of my sis and dad. Once I got back to the hotel, I saw that Mom wasn't here yet. An hour later, Mom finally arrived.

"Hi sweetie, I got a call from the CSI people, they said that its ok for us to go home, so go ahead and get ready to go home," Mom informed me.

I gathered everything I had and the car ride home felt like forever. Once we arrived, I went into Alaina's room and saw that the CSIs had cleaned up after themselves. I went down to the living room and saw that the news was on. Today's major story was... Oh my god! I can't believe it! Alice was murdered! How could this be?! She can't be dead, she can't be!

(A/N:) sorry that this chapter was also short :/ but the next should be longer! Once again please follow me, vote for the story and let me know what you think! Please don't be rude! If you think you have an idea for what should happen next, feel free to comment it!

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