The Dagger Wielding Vampire

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Null: Chronostasis, the target is here.

As fast as Ryukin finished, Chronostasis responded swiftly.
Chronostasis: Stay hidden, Null. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary.

Unexpectedly Overhaul also entered the conversation. He spoke in a commanding voice.
Overhaul: Null, Chronostasis, report your status immediately.

Chronostasis: Overhaul, we've encountered an unexpected situation. Multiple bodies in the warehouse, not our target. Toga is also present.

Overhaul's tone grew colder
Overhaul: Handle it. Extract any valuable information and proceed with the mission.

Null hides in the rafters above. He waits and notices Toga is on the phone. He pulls out a cryptographic sequencer he calls Stinger. He listens in to the conversation.

Toga's voice, tinged with flowed through the device
Toga: Mr. Compress, darling, guess what? I've got a fantastic idea! I'm thinking of crashing the Provisional Hero License Exam.

Mr. Compress responded, his tone measured
Compress: Toga, do remember the plan. We're working as a unit. Why the sudden change?

Toga's laughter echoed
Toga: Oh c'mon, Compress. I want to have some fun on my own. Stir things up a bit, you know?

Null, hidden in the shadows, absorbed the conversation. Mr. Compress, his words measured, responded.
Compress: Dabi and the others are on their own missions. Once the time is right, we'll reunite and execute our plans. Your solo endeavors could jeopardize the unity we've worked for.

Null found a concealed spot. He activated his earpiece, initiating contact with Overhaul.

Null: Master, this is Null. I've intercepted Toga's plans. She's planning to infiltrate an exam, from the sound of it, it's regarding the heroes.

Overhaul's voice crackled through the earpiece,

Overhaul: Explain, Null. What are her intentions?

Null: Toga seems to be acting on her own. She mentioned feeling disconnected from the others. Shall I proceed with monitoring her actions or intervene?

Overhaul's voice echoed in response
Overhaul: Return, Null. We'll reassess the situation and adapt our plans accordingly.

Null acknowledged the order, disappearing into the shadows. He later arrives to the Hassaikai compound. base. As the members assembled, Null, arrived and bowed respectfully upon greeting his master, Overhaul.

Null: Master, I have returned. Toga's deviation from the league seems to be driven by her own desires. She plans to infiltrate the Provisional Hero License Exam alone

Overhaul, seated at the head of the dimly lit room, acknowledged Null's report with a nod.

Overhaul:Your observations are noted, Null. This unexpected development could serve our purposes. Let us discuss our next course of action.

In the dimly lit meeting room of the Shie Hassaikai, Overhaul, Chronostasis, Mimic, and the Eight Bullets, including Null, gathered.

Overhaul, his gaze shifting to Null, recognized an opportunity to make strategic use of his successor. Deciding to keep Null on watch over Toga, he issued precise orders during the meeting.

Overhaul: Null, your mission is to observe and report. Initiate combat only if absolutely necessary.

Null, acknowledging the orders with a subtle nod, prepared to carry out the mission. Before Null departs for his mission, Overhaul, with a stern expression, imparts a warning and crucial insights about Toga.

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