Sending A Message

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"Free for that smoke sesh?"
You stared at the text for a few seconds, hand hovering hesitantly over the "send" button as you sat in your idle car.
The smell of Rhea's perfume lingered on the passenger's seat; not unusual, as you had just dropped her off at the airport. It only took about a minute of driving back home before you though of how empty your apartment would be without her.
Now, you were sitting in the parking lot of some strip mall you had pulled into when that wave of loneliness hit, staring at the contact name "Marisol" and your message one more time before hitting send.

A second later, you were dropping your phone as if it had suddenly grown thorns. Bombarded by emotions, you weren't sure what to do next. The thought of seeing Mari again made you excited and nervous - but part of you felt guilty. Rhea's plane hadn't even departed yet and you were already looking for comfort elsewhere.
If you hadn't just dropped her off, you might have considered messaging Rhea asking if she wanted you to let her know whenever you're seeing someone. Recalling her yelling at Dominik over the phone months ago for what sounded like telling her too much about his night with another man, you were entirely too anxious about what Rhea's response might be.
Then again, there was her small confession the night of her surprise visit.

The loud buzz of your phone, lying on the floor where you dropped it, brought you back to the present.
Looking down, you take a deep breath and let out a sigh before picking up your phone. Reluctantly, you turn it over to look at the screen.
"Can't today, but I'm free tomorrow"
The relief you felt reading Marisol's reply was instantaneous - you had time. You could even cancel if you needed to.
"Sounds good!" was your reply.
Startling you a bit, your phone buzzed in your hand a second after you hit send. It was one of your friends:
"Is it safe to drop by and hang, or are you still in sex-marathon territory?"
Giggling to yourself, you message back:
"Marathon is over: we both won. Gimme time to drive back from the airport"

Approaching your apartment door a while later, you notice your friend is already waiting for you.
"Where's your medal, marathon winner? Or is it a trophy?"
Sticking out your tongue, you playfully push past them to unlock the door.
Soon, the two of you were three bowls deep and your friend was acting as moral support for what you wanted to discuss with your girlfriend.
"You're overthinking it," your friend insisted, letting out a hit before passing you the bong, "She said she's trying to change for the better. She wants you to be happy."
"You're right," you sigh, "I just wish knowing that made a difference to my anxiety."
"You can do this," they reassured you after a moment, "You're not alone."
"I appreciate it," you smile, but it must not be convincing - your friend was looking at you skeptically.
"So how much are you getting paid?"
"... What?" the question confused you enough that you forgot about the stress for a moment.
"To babysit that bong!" they laughed at their own joke, "C'mon, girl, take a hit."
Doing your best to roll your eyes, despite your own giggles bubbling up, you brought the bong to your lips and lit the bowl.

Once you were in the middle of blowing smoke rings, passing back the bong, you noticed your phone light up in your periphery. It was Rhea:
"Landed safely, miss you already"
The message ended with her usual black heart, making yours skip a beat.
"Miss you too, Rhe. I love you so much"
After sending your reply, you turn and almost accidentally headbutt your friend, who was presently looking over your shoulder at your phone.
"Jeez, nosy, give a girl some warning," you joke, pausing before you ask them, "...So where do I go from here?"
The phone buzzes in your hands, making you look down at a new message from your girlfriend:
"I love you too, baby"
Another black heart.
"I think you just... ask," your friend suggested, "Those "can we talk" messages stress me out."
Nodding, you take a deep breath and compose a text.

"I was wondering: Do you want me to tell you when I'm going to be seeing someone I might be interested in?"
You stared at your sent text before quickly typing and sending another text explaining:
"I would rather ask than hurt you by making assumptions"
"Nice add-on," your friend complimented, pulling their supplies closer and turning away to pack another bowl as you re-read your messages. It felt as though time was slowing down as you waited for a response.
Even so, you jumped a bit when the phone finally did buzzed in your hand with Rhea's response:
"Only if you think you might end up in bed with them. Mami likes to keep tabs on her sluts, without too many details"
Halfway through reading, a second text followed:
"Unless you and Dom-Dom get together without me: then you better tell Mami every filthy thing the two of you did"
Biting your lip, you jumped again as your friend's too-close voice unexpectedly commented, "Hot."

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