Chapter 4 : The Wishing Lantern

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"W-we-we win???, I can't believe it!" said Lunika. 

"YAAAAYYYYY, WE DID IT!!!!!" said Moonbow cheerful.

"I didn't know that you all have a great talent!" said Long zhi.

"Well teamwork makes it better" Luna says.

"But... do we get the candle???" said Moonbow.

"The candle... its all yours!!!!" Long zhi says.

"Finally the candle!!!!" Moonbow says happily.

They win the game, after winning they get the candle and get back to the temple with Long zhi's help. "See you again my friends!!!, thank you for releasing me, even though I will go back again when the lunar ends, haha" says Long zhi laughed. "Bye Long zhi!!!" they all waved to the Long zhi and go back to the temple. Oboku was waiting for them, he said that if you wanna get the wishing lantern, you must make the lantern, put the candle in the lantern, and fly it away when its your birthday.


"Shall we make the lantern??" said Oboku, "Of course!!!" they said.

"Moonbow, use the candle that Long zhi gives you" said Luna.

"Why??" said Moonbow.

"Well, its for your birthday!" Luna says.

"Don't you want it too??" said Moonbow confused.

"Well, its for your birthday also there's only one candle" said Luna.

"Awwww, thank youuuu" Moonbow says happily.

"Yeah yeah, lets just make the lantern" Luna says.

Oboku teach them how to make the lantern, even though Lunika already knows, but she's a little forgot. They made a lot of different type of lantern and colorful lanterns, they will decorate the temple with the lanterns. After finished making lanterns, they hang it up and light it.

"Its beautiful!!" says Oboku, "Thank you for your help everyone!!" Oboku said, "Your welcome!!" they said, "Thank you too to help us make the lantern!!" they said. "Bye Oboku!!!!" they said goodbye to Oboku, "Bye bye!!!, don't forget to watch the festival!!" Oboku says with a reminder. They're impressed on their lanterns. After doing those tiring stuff, they decided to take a break.


Its evening, they take a break in a restaurant. After taking a little break, they promised to meet again at night on the festival. Moonbow and Luna is going back to the hotel, and Lunika's going back to her house. 

They walk to the hotel, the street is pretty quiet now, suddenly a cat appears in front of them. They're a bit surprised, because it was the cat from the cafe. But then they remember that the cafe staff said that the cat was stray before, and the staff let it stay at the cafe.

They decide to take the cat with them, and name it Aurora. They arrived at the hotel, quickly ran into the room, and rest for a while.

"Waaahhh, what a tiring day..." said Luna, "Awww you're so cuteeee" said Moonbow to Aurora. Then they take a bath, after that, they go outside to get a dinner with Aurora too. After taking dinner, they go to the lantern festival on a hill near the river before.


Lunika is already there, they introduce Aurora to Lunika, "Aww, what a cute cat!, what's her name?" ask Lunika, "Oh, her name is Aurora!" said Moonbow. "Guys, its about to start!!" said Luna.

A lot of people flies their lantern, seeing that, they light up their lantern that they got from Oboku. Luna and Lunika flies their lantern, but before Moonbow flies her lantern, she hold the lantern in front of her, closes her eyes, and make her wish. After that, she opens her eyes and fly it away, then,she looks at her lantern and realized it was the most shiny one than the other lantern. They watches the lanterns fly through the night sky, it was really beautiful.

When Moonbow's lantern starts to fly away, there was a mist of glitter coming from her lantern. Then, something comes out from her lantern..... it was..... a dragon!!!!, then they realized it was Long zhi, "LONG ZHI!!!" they shouted, "Hello again my fellow friends!!!" says Long zhi while waving at them, "I've decided to come to the festival before lunar ends" said Long zhi, "Is that a cat??" ask Long zhi, "Oh yeah, her name is Aurora!!" Luna replied, "What a cute cat!!" Long zhi says, "Have you guys flies the lantern?" ask Long zhi, "Of course we have!!"  they replied.


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