The Vengeance of Vilgax (2)

Start from the beginning

"No, you did." Aria reminds him. The car gets caught on a web. "What did we hit?" Gwen asks. "I don't know. We're stuck." Kevin replies. The group hears thwips. and Gwen's door is forced open, and she's pulled out and wrapped in webs before getting placed on the web. "Gwen!" Kevin calls. Spidermonkey looks down at them with hisses. Ben and Kevin jump onto the web and get stuck, and Gwen screams, causing Spidermonkey to go up to her. "He's gonna lay eggs in Gwen's head." Kevin claims. "I'm still here, you know." Aria calls to the monkey. He turns to her, hisses, and shoots a web at her, catching her hand. "Come here!" Aria pulls Spidermonkey away so Brainstorm can get Gwen. Brainstorm cuts the web around Gwen, and she falls, but Kevin catches her and sticks her onto the web in front of him before making his hand turn into scissors and cutting the web around her.

 "Thanks. Didn't know you could do that." Gwen tells him, placing her hands on his chest. "Just made it up." Kevin tells her. Aria swings Spidermonkey around and throws him into the web as a result of her getting dizzy. Spidermonkey recovers faster than her and grabs her, but she burns the web. Spidermonkey turns his attention to Brainstorm and webs him up. "I demand that you release me!" Brainstorm demands. "I'd do what he says or maybe you just need someone to translate." Kevin says from on top of Gwen's platform, holding a still dizzy Aria by the arm. "Ben, he's right next to you. Just absorb him!" Gwen suggests. "Oh." Brainstorm says, and his watch turns yellow with energy waves emitting from it and sucking Spidermonkey back into it. "I mean really." Gwen says. "And he's supposed to be the smart alien." Aria adds.


They were now back in the car driving through Bellwood. "Is it working?" Kevin asks. "Pretty much. Once we got all my transformations back, I'm sure everything will be fine." Ben tells him. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Gwen asks. "No. I don't think so." Ben replies still looking at his watch. "Did you forget the thing you were gonna do in five hours?" Aria asks. "Vilgax, dude!" Kevin reminds him. "Right. Fight to the death with Vilgax. No problem." Ben dismisses. "Ben! You've got to get focussed or--" Gwen's cut off by the beeping. "Got one. We're right on top of it." Kevin says. "Try not to hit it with your car this time." Ben tells him.

Kevin took the lid off a manhole, and the group looked down it. "Are you sure Goop's down there?" Gwen asks. "It's a sewer. Of course, there's Goop down there." Ben replies. "Very funny." Aria rolls her eyes. They climb down the ladder and walk around the sewer with Gwen using a mana orb as light and Aria's skin glowing, her hair shimmering with different colors and blowing gently. Also, while everyone else was walking in the water, Aria made platforms to walk on. "Phew! Smells like a sewer in here." Ben jokes. "I'm not kidding, Ben. No more sewer jokes." Gwen warns him. "Smells like a plan to me." Ben says and Gwen punches him. "I wonder if there are any alligators down here." Ben asks. "Alligators?" Kevin asks. "I heard that people get baby alligators as pets and then flush them down the toilet. They get gigantic in the sewers!" Ben explains. "Maybe I should go up top and guard the exit." Kevin suggests.

"Big tough Kevin is scared of alligators." Ben teases. "There's no alligators here. They're myths." Aria explains. "Yeah, and we're supposed to be myths too. Anyway, you're scared of--" "Nothing. Nothing on this planet scares me." Aria cuts Kevin off. "You're scared of mom." Gwen reminds her. "She's scary when she's mad." Aria defends herself. "Hold up." Ben tells them, picking up Goop's projector. "Look what I found. Goop's anti-gravity projector." Ben shares. "So where's the rest of him?" Kevin asks. The water beneath Ben turns green, and Goop surrounds him. "Right there." Aria points, and they run to them. Goop shoots goo at the remaining three, throwing them into the water. Gwen hits some pipes before falling. "Gwen!" Kevin calls, running to her. "Not cool, dude. I was trying to stay clean!" Aria tells Goop, stretching a hand out towards Gwen and Kevin to protect them with a force field after Goop shoots the pipes above them.

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