Season 1: Chapter 2. risk

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I sit on my chair in my room as take my notebook and write down some techniques i could use in the future with my quirk. I've been thinking of one where I could open an entrance to a shady area, go inside right when inopen another entrance, and come back from another shady area.

But that would be too risky. Like the time when I wanted a puppy when I was 5. It worked, if you call a huge dog trying to bite your face off success.

I can't stop thinking about izuku.
He reminds me of myself when I was younger. He's just too kind for this world. I just wish katsuki wasn't a piece of shit.

"Rekkusu! Dinners gonna be done in an hour!" My mother calls. "I'll be right there!" I reply.

I check out the window, viewing the city. This society is blessed to have quirks and heroes, but sadly people who abuse that power, like katsuki take advantage of that.

I notice smoke from a nearby area. An explosion?.. no...A villain attack! I heard izuku usually analyzes fights, and heroes, I have to make sure he's not hurt! He'll die if he's too close!

I open the window and realize i'm high above. Mother wouldn't want me going out for this, so I cant go out from the front door. I'm gonna have to find a way to get down.

Wait, that technique! It's gonna be a huge risk, but i cant let an innocent person die when I know what's gonna happen!

I jump out the window, and create an entrance to the abyss, and i fall towards the shade, realizing this is WAY MORE FUCKING SCARY THAN I THOUGHT.

I make it to the shade, right when i find another shady area near an alley to my righs, i can't see, but i can feel myself going being pulled to the right by a special force.

"AHH! WHAT THE FUCCKK?!?!" I scream, as i come out of the shade, like i was thrown out by that strange force, into the alley I went for.

"Woah..." I run towards the smoke, hoping izuku dosent get himself involved.

"Cmon izuku please don't be determined right now..!" I say to myself as I run as fast as I can.

I stop to find a sludge villain with pro heroes not being able to go near him. It has a hostage inside of it?! It's not izuku. That's good. Izuku has green hair, this guy has spiky whitish blonde hair. Wait a minute....KATSUKI?!

I can see the sludge villain creating explosions with his quirk as katsuki tries to escape.

"I'LL SEND YOU ALL THE WAY BACK TO WHATEVER SEWER YOU CRAWLED OUT OFFFF!!!!!" He screams as he attempts to escape, but fails.

"LET ME GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!"
I hate him for how he treats izuku, but i can't watch this.

The powerful explosions that are created by the villain are keeping the pro heroes away. Not even the pros can stop this villain?! Where's all might? He can stop this thing right? RIGHT?!

If all might dosent show up he's gonna die. And katsuki may be a douche but I can't let him die. I'm not so strong compared to any of the pros but someone has to do something!

But just as I'm about to rush in I notice izuku running towards the villain, and katsuki.

"IZUKU! GET OUT OF THERE, YOU'LL DIE!!" I yell, but izuku won't stop running. He throws his backpack towards the villain, blinding him as katsuki is a bit lose, and izuku attempts to save him, by tearing sludge off, one by one, but no prevail. He still dosent stop trying.

"What the hell?! Why are you here?!" Katsuki angrily asks, despite izuku trying to save him.

"I don't know! My legs, they just started moving!" Izuku replies, trying to save him still.

"Kacchan..i couldn't just stand there and watch you die..!" Izuku says with a wide smile, through tears.

I know how better of a man izuku is than me, but trying to save someone who has made you suffer for YEARS?

I was only gonna rush in because someone with a quirk had to, but izuku decided to, despite being quirkless. I never thought I'd be so proud of him.

The sludge villain is about to atta
k, I can't let him be killed! I use my quirk to pull izuku towards me with his shadow,ut a large force of air blinds my vision for a second.

As the smoke clears, allowing me to see, It's all might!
The number one hero has arrived! We're all saved!
"DAMN YOU, ALL MIGHT!!!" The sludge villain yells, as he's about to attack, but all might counter attacks it with a large force of air in one hit.


All mights punch blows all the villains sludge away, freeing katsuki, stopping all the fire, and knocking out the villain.

And after the force of air clears the fire out, raindrops fall.
He changed the weather. All might changed the weather!

That's the number one hero for you! But I decide to check on izuku.

"Hey Izuku, are you alright?" I ask izuku. "Yeah..I'm alright." He replies.

I sigh in relief. "Good. BECAUSE WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! YOU COULD HAVE BEEM KILLED BY THAT THING!" I was extremely worried. But...I'm also impressed he has so much guts, he'd try something like that.

"I-im sorry...I don't know why but my body just moved on its own..." izuku quietly says to me, nervous.

"It's alright. Just be more careful. K? I reply.

"Hey katsuki, you alive over there?" I ask. Katsuki just glares at me and izuku. He's probably embarrassed. Aww, big bad katsuki bakugo is embarrassed. How sad.

But seriously, I can't blame him. I'd be scared as hell if a nickelodeon slime fuck took my body, and my quirk.

"Do you have a death wish?! He's right! what were you thinking?!" The pro hero, death arms yells at izuku.

I may sound like a hypocrite but he can't yell at izuku, I can.

"Excuse me." I say.
"But your a pro hero and you just stood there and did nothing. Izuku here was doing something, so why get on his ass about it when your the helpless one here. Oh, and you have some sludge on your shoulder."

I walk away with my hands in my pockets as death arms is speechless.

"And fix your stupid name!" I call out. Seriously, I'm surprised they let him get named that. What? You expect someone to yell 'LOOK! ITS DEATH ARMS, WE'RE SAVED!'?
Wow. Just wow.

I hurry back to my house and I just realized something.

Wait, i'm in luck. The window door is still open, and if I can just go up these stairs that lead to my apartment, and there's more stairs above me. I keep going until I climb to the roof. I go to the direction where my window is, and get ready to jump, and catch the window sill, and head back in.

Why am I taking so many risks?? But this is kinda cool. Might become useful if I become a hero.

I jump off the roof then look behind me, as I fall. Scared as fuck, i see the open window and reach my arm out as I grab hold of the window sill. Fortunately, I crawl through, safely, before my mom can make it, but I fall on the ground as my fluffy white cat with black spots, named Sai licks my face.

"Hehe, nice to see you too, Sai" I say as I pet his fluffy fur.

I hear my mothers footseps, so I immediately get up to close the window, before she comes in. She opens the door as I quickly get down to pet sai like nothing happened.

"Wash your hands, dinners done honey." She says.
I get up to head to wash my hands.

So I found a new use for my quirk, katsuki got sludged, and izuku tried to save him. Welp. I just know things are gonna get weirder but cooler once I get into UA.


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