"Too many flowers," Fred says before sneezing loudly.

"Weasley one, shut up!" Moody snarls. "McKinnon, you and the clones will be best received by Potter so in you go"

"Alohomora," Maggie points her wand at the door, waiting for the telltale click.

As Maggie shoves the door open, her face contorts in disgust at the outdated decor of the living room. Meanwhile, Fred saunters over to the pictures sitting on the mantlepiece, examining them with curiosity. As Maggie strides towards the door under the stairs, she hesitates for a moment, wondering if Harry's family had locked him inside before rushing to the hospital.

"He must be upstairs," Maggie says.

"Look at Harry's cousin," Fred says, showing Maggie the picture.

"Goodness," Maggie's eyebrows rise in surprise. "He looks like Henry the Eighth"

"Guys, let's get moving before Moody's eye pops out," George says from his position in the kitchen, stuffing his pockets with some of the sweets. "What?"

"I suppose they won't miss them," Maggie shrugs before walking up the stairs, her heels making soft thumps on the carpet.

As Maggie waves her wand with a swift motion, the door bursts open, revealing a dimly lit room. However, she barely has time to register the sight before a wand is aimed right at her forehead, causing her to let out a startled cry. Acting on instinct, Maggie raises her hands in surrender as Fred steps in front of her, knocking Harry's wand out of his grip with a swift smack.

"Harry, you dipshit!" Maggie exclaims. "I could have lost my eyebrows!"

"What are you three doing here?"

"Well, you've achieved something even we haven't," Fred grins at him.

"Being expelled," George nods. "We're proud of you Hazza P"

"Is your stuff packed?" Maggie asks.


Maggie rolls her eyes and flicks her wand. Harry watches as his scattered belongings suddenly come to life, neatly packing themselves into his suitcases. As soon as the latches click shut, the suitcases shrink down to a miniature size and effortlessly slide into Harry's pocket.

"Come on," Maggie nudges Harry towards the door as Fred releases Hedwig from her cage. "Moody's about to have a bitch fit"

"Moody?" Harry frowns.

"The real one," Maggie says as they walk down the steps.

"Took your bloody time," Moody grumbles before pointing his wand at Harry whose eyes widen before he dives behind Fred and Maggie.

"Wow," Fred snorts. "We've been reduced to cannon fodder"

"He's just going to cast a disillusionment charm," Maggie says, grabbing Harry's collar and pushing him forward.

"A what?"

"How you've survived this long is a bloody miracle," Moody grumbles before casting the spell.

As the ragtag group gathers into formation, each of them mount their brooms while the order members tightly grip their wands and look up at the dark, starry sky. Suddenly, a bright green light shoots up into the air, prompting everyone to kick off the ground and soar upwards into the inky blackness of the night.

Maggie frowns when her vision becomes blurry before images of flashing lights fill her mind. She shakes her head, clearing the vision away.

"ON YOUR LEFT!" Maggie shouts, turning her broom in the direction she had just shouted.

"Tonks, Lupin, stay with Potter!" Moody calls. "The rest of you, prepare yourselves!"

In the blink of an eye, the Order members find themselves encircled by a horde of death eaters. The clamour of incantations reverberates all around them as blinding streaks of magic dart through the air. Maggie's gaze sweeps across the surroundings and she quickly realizes that they are vastly outnumbered with the ratio being around three to one.

In a swift and practiced motion, Maggie raises her wand, unleashing a fierce jet of fire that streaks towards a death eater's broom. The spell strikes true, causing the broom to begin to smoke beneath the death eater who begins fumbling with his wand. With another flick of her wand, she casts a powerful spell that sends the death eater tumbling into the murky depths of the Thames.

As the spell barely brushes against Maggie's cheek, she lets out a sudden hiss, feeling the sharp sting of the magic coursing through her skin. Within seconds, she can sense warm liquid trickling down her face, marking the path of the spell's fleeting contact.

Maggie immediately twists to face the death eater responsible and aims her wand directly at the Death Eater. Without any sign of fear, she utters the incantation with a firm voice, unleashing a spell that soars towards the masked figure.


Maggie watches the jet of red light tear through the space between her and the death eater before it strikes him in the chest. The spell tears open his robe as a large wound forms on his chest, blood gushing from the wound. The death eater's hands instinctively fly to his chest, causing him to topple off of his broom.

A thrumming sensation causes Maggie to lift her hand to the necklace that was around her neck and a gasp escapes her lips as power thrums through every fibre in her body. The witch's head falls back as a pink light tears itself from her chest, launching the death eaters back.

Fred turns to face his girlfriend to see her slumped over on her broom, her eyes closed as her body starts to slip.

"Shit, shit, shit," Fred curses, racing forward on his broom.

In a swift motion, the wizard takes hold of Maggie, effortlessly lifting her onto his broomstick. He deftly shrinks her own broom and tucks it away in his pocket. With a firm grip around Maggie's waist, Fred expertly manoeuvres the broomstick, soaring through the air.

"Just hold on Maggie,"

"Just hold on Maggie,"

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