Showering with Jazmin was just like everything else we did together. Blissful. She didn't hog the water, and neither did I. We cleaned each other thoroughly. You would think this intimate moment would lead us back to the bedroom, and although we shared a kiss or two, nothing went beyond that. After spending a great deal of time showering, the two of us returned to the bedroom, where we began to get dressed.

"That was so embarrassing." I overheard Jazmin say, as I walked out of the closet with a t-shirt and boxers for her to put on.

"What is so embarrassing?" I questioned grabbing her attention, and her eyes fluttered in my direction in surprise.

"Uh, nothing." she pursed her lips together in silence, I stared at her for a moment watching as she fidgeted nervously under my gaze.

"Are you going to keep staring at me or can I get some clothes? " a bubble of ridiculous panicky laughter escaped her lips, and I grinned amusingly at her nervous response.

"You know—" I planned to say something very snarky but she was quite quick to interrupt me.

"I said I love you!" she blurted, as if I wasn't already aware.

"Well, yes I heard but I thought you wished to avoid that subject?" I quizzed, as I helped her into the pair of boxer's.

"I don't know what I want. " she confessed, her teeth dug into her bottom lip, tugging at it hard.

My cock twitched. "Stop that." I growled. Jazmin gasped, releasing her plush lips from between her teeth, leaving behind marks as she did so.

"I-I think we should talk about it." she whispered, staring up at me in a hazy wonder.

"Okay." I said, her eyes latched on me as I moved to put on her shirt. We couldn't have a serious conversation with her naked. It was distracting.

"So you love me, huh?" I questioned, a hint of amusement in my tone.

"God, don't say it like that." she blushed, hiding her face with her hair.

"Women don't express it unless they mean it." I told her.

"Truthfully, I don't know why I said it. It just came out." she admits, but it just added more fuel to the fire.

"So you don't love me?"

"I-I don't know. Can I just retract my statement and spare us this conversation?"

"Sorry, angel, you can't just take it back. It was already declared."

Her eyes expand like she was just told she couldn't have a snack before dinner, but then she clamps her expression down and fixes me with a exasperated look."Well, just forget about it,"

"You realize it doesn't work like that." I cross my arms and ignore the fluttering in my stomach at seeing her get all flustered.

"Fine." She mirrors me and crosses her arms, pushing out her chin.. "I think that—"

"You think that? Don't tell me what you think. Tell me what you feel." I told her.

"I feel that... I love you." she says, and I run my tongue along the top row of my teeth at her admission.

"You do, huh?" I said, with a slight smirk. This was better than hitting the jackpot. She narrowed her eyes, and opened her mouth to speak, but my cell phone rang interrupting her. I picked it up off the bedside table and checked to see it was Mateo.

"I have to take this," I told her, lifting the phone to my ear.


"I have Garcia here. She wants to know if she could speak with you."

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