his new girlfriend

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(nick pov)

soooo...hi im nick mostly known as softwilly i live in a house with four other idiots its weird but i like it and i also have a secret i like issac i mean who would not hes muscular body his beautiful face its beautiful hes handsome and i love it but he has a girlfriend and today she is visiting us 

"shit today is the day"i say sitting up in my bed i get out and put on a random shirt that was laying on my floor i go and grab my phone off my night stand and check the time it was 9:32 am "i still got an hour" i open my door and walk out i take out my phone and open twitter i walk in to the living room and see larry and tanner cudled up and watching spongebob lovebird i say silently as i walk to the kitchen to make myself some food there i see issac i blush but then i hear a voice from his phone it was his girlfriend i sigh an let my feelings go back in my mind i hear issac say to me that she is conna be 30 min early  i look at him and nod i make my cereal eat it and go to my room(his room i upstairs in this au) i just lay on my bed and open tiktok i lay there on tiktok for 30 minutes

30 minutes later  i hear issac yell for me to come down stairs i groan as i stand up i get out my room and walk downstairs there she is blond hair slim body so that is issacs type she looks at me and says hi i say hi back so i dont give her rude vibes the first hour it was normal but then issac and his girlfriend (her name is olivia) went to issacs room i told yumi and we went snooping we got to issacs door and heard yelling they were fithing about how they cant keep  FAKE dading i gasped and yumi was also suprised we went back to the living room and a few minutes later issac and olivia came back a few hours later larry tanner and issac were drunk i drank a little bit olivia cant drink cus she has to drive and yumi only took a shot olivia had to leave cus it was getting late so we all said bye and went to sleep

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