chapter eleven

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location: saudi arabia

IT HAD BEEN TWO HOURS since Olivia arrived at the hotel room. Most of the drivers had left, leaving three of them. Dennis, Olivia, and Jack were sprawled across the couch.

"Dennis, truth or dare?" Jack asked, his speech slightly slurred from the amount of alcohol in his system.

"Dare." Dennis said, finishing off the rest of his drink. To Olivia, the world felt like it was spinning as she stared at the ceiling.

"I dare you to call someone and tell them you love them." Jack said, laughing. Dennis pulled out his phone, almost dropping it on the floor, and picked one of the first contacts that came up.

Olivia and Jack watched as he held the phone to his ear. There was a whispered conversation between him and whoever was on the other side of the phone. After a couple minutes, Dennis hung up the phone.

Rather suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Coming!" Dennis yelled, slowly getting up from the couch. He stumbled over to the door, pressing his ear against it, "who is it?"

"It's Ollie. Can you open the door?" Dennis threw the door open with a wide grin.

"Ollie! What are you doing here?" Jack asked from the couch. Ollie stepped into the hotel room, looking concerned.

"This idiot just called me, extremely drunk, and invited me over." Ollie said, "I brought company, by the way." He stepped further into the door to allow Arthur to walk in behind him.

"Welcome, come have a drink." Jack said, waving his cup in the air.

"How much have you guys had?" Arthur asked, glancing over the dozens of empty cups and several empty bottles scattered around the floor.

"Just a couple." Olivia said, reaching for an open bottle of tequila on the floor. As she brought the bottle to her lips, it was snatched out of her hands.

"You are gonna thank me in the morning." Arthur said before she could complain. He saw the unfocused look in her eyes. The way they stared through him. He sat the bottle on coffee table.

"Jerk." She mumbled, rolling over on the couch.

"What are we supposed to do with these three?" Arthur asked, waving a hand at the three drivers.

"We can drag them back to their rooms or we stay here to make sure they don't do anything stupid." Ollie shrugged.

"Well I for one would like to get some sleep tonight."

"Sounds like a plan. Pretty sure Olivia and Jack are on the same floor so that makes things easier." Ollie wrapped an arm around Olivia's waist and pulled her to her feet. Arthur did the same with Jack, leaving Dennis to wander, drunkenly to his bed.

The four left the hotel room and headed towards the elevator. They were quickly in and out of the elevator, standing in front of Jack's hotel room.

"Here, take Olivia. She's three doors down. I'll take care of Jack." Ollie said, unlocking the hotel room. Jack, not being as drunk, was able to slowly make his way into the room.

Arthur took Olivia from him, placing a hand on her waist and another on her arm to keep her steady. Ollie wished him goodnight and shut the hotel room, leaving Arthur and Olivia outside.

"Let's get you to your room." Arthur started to take a step towards her hotel room when Olivia pushed herself out of his grasp, "what are you doing?"

"My feet hurt." She complained, sliding down the wall and sitting on the floor. Arthur stared down at her with a confused look.

"You're not even wearing heels, those are sneakers." Arthur groaned in annoyance. He knelt down and untied both shoes. He slid them off and tossed them towards her hotel room. He then reached his arms underneath her legs and back, picking her up.

Arthur carefully unlocked the door and stepped inside. He carried Olivia towards the bed and carefully set her down. She looked up at him with a soft smile on her face.

"You have pretty eyes." Olivia mumbled. Arthur brushed the comment off, reaching across her to grab the blanket.

Olivia reached out and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her.

"What are you-," She pulled his face to her, pressing her lips against his. There was a moment where the world melted away.

It only lasted for a second before the realization hit. Arthur pulled away, standing up.

"What's wrong?" She asked, innocently. Arthur shook his head as he turned on his heels and walked out the door.

OLIVIA COLLAPSED ONTO the couch, covering her head with a pillow. Ollie walked in behind her, chuckling.

"Why did I drink so much?" Olivia groaned. They were currently on the way back to the UK during the week break between races.

"Did you take aspirin and drink a lot of water this morning?" Ollie asked.

"Yeah, it hasn't kick in yet and this migraine is killing me." Olivia uncovered her head and stared at the floor of the jet.

"Then take a nap. I've got some stuff to do and it's a long flight." Ollie suggested.

"But I have stuff to do as well." Olivia sat up, "can you hand me the laptop from my bag. I should get the work done." Ollie nodded and fished the laptop out of her bag and handed it to her. She silently thanked him and opened it up.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Ollie asked, looking down at his laptop.

"After we started truth or dare, not a thing." Olivia said, "I drank like four rounds in a row."

"I'm not surprised, you tried to drink straight out of a tequila bottle when I got there." The two continued to talk for the remainder of the long flight back home.

After landing, Olivia drove to her apartment in London. It was small, a studio apartment. She never thought to buy a large space since she wasn't home often.

She dropped her suitcases and bags on the floor and fell onto her bed. The flight was exhausting. She felt like sleeping for days. Just as her eyes drifted shut, a loud beeping cut through the air. Olivia groaned and grabbed her phone, picking up the call.

"I was just about to fall asleep." She said.

"We were wondering if you wanted to come to dinner tonight." Bianca asked over the phone.

"I'm sorry but I'm so tired. I just want to sleep for days."

"But, all the Prema drivers are in town."

"I know. I'm so sorry."

"Well that's to bad, come unlock your door please."

"What?" Olivia pushed herself to her feet and slowly making her way to her front door. She unlocked it and opened it to reveal four prema drivers waiting there.

"Surprise!" Bianca said, pulling her into a tight hug. Paul, Kimi, and Ollie slowly filtered in with several bags of food. Bianca let her go and closed the door.

"What are you all doing here?" Olivia asked, following them into the small dining rooms

"We knew that you weren't gonna feel up to going out so we brought food to you." Paul said, laying out the spread of to-go boxes.

"We went to that really good Japanese place down the road and bought like half the menu." Kimi said, opening a box full of yakitori. Olivia grabbed a stick before helped set out more boxes.

"We have noodles, rice, orange chicken, onigiri, soba, and about a dozen more things." Paul said. Ollie appeared with several plates for the five of them.

"Well, let's dig in." Olivia said.


This fanfic should start to move along a bit more. Some more angst and fluff hopefully.
Hope you guys liked this chapter.

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