chapter eight

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location: saudi arabia

OLIVIA SAT IN THE PADDOCK after dinner with her father and brother. They had went to a fancy sea food restaurant. The paddock and track were completely empty. Usually, this was her and Ollie's thing, sitting on the track and imagining yourself in the car. It helps with all of the worry.

However, this time, Ollie had made plans with a couple of the other drivers. She sat behind the line that outlined the P1 starting position.

She had media day started early tomorrow morning. Olivia sat quietly, allowing the peace and quiet to consume her. It was relaxing, to be somewhere that in just a few days, would be causing so much stress and joy at the same time.

"It's a bit weird that you're just sitting there in the dark." Olivia glanced over her shoulder to see Arthur standing several paces behind her.

"It's one of my pre-race weekend rituals. Helps with the nerves." She replied, looking back at the ground in front of her. She heard the crunch of shoes on the track as he walked closer.

"Why on your own?" He questioned.

"Usually Ollie is here with me, but he had other plans tonight. I could ask you a similar question." Olivia watched out of the corner of her eye as Arthur sat down to the right of her.

"I usually do this early in the morning, but I have interviews earlier than usual." Arthur let out a deep breath. Olivia gave him another look before she closed her eyes and imagined herself in the car.

OLIVIA HAD TO BE up bright and early that morning. She wore a Prema shirt and a pair of black joggers. She carried a Monster energy drink with her as she walked towards the media room. Her pr manager, Julia, walked beside her, looking at her phone.

The sun had been up for maybe an hour but the Paddock was already bustling with reporters and drivers.

"So after this group interview, you've been requested to be in a solo interview with a new reporter. That'll happen at one of the cafes, then you have a decent break before you and Ollie have an interview together." Julia listed off.

"Do you know who all is in my group?" Olivia asked. Julia shook her head.

"No, they didn't send it to me this time. Probably some last minute changes." Julia shrugged, pushing open the door to the media room.

"This race weekend is always a mess for us." Olivia muttered as she made her way through the crowd of reporters. She was directed to her spot on the edge of the couch. Olivia sat her drink on the floor beside her as she patiently waited for the other drivers to arrive.

First to arrive were Dennis and Zane, who both seemed to be having an important conversation. They both sat beside each other on the other end of the couch.

Then, Théo Pourchaire walked in with his head down on his phone. He took the open spot beside Olivia. She caught a glance of what looked like some news article before he shut his phone off.

"When were you gonna tell me?" Théo asked, leaning closer to Olivia.

"Tell you what?" Olivia questioned.

"That your family is here." While the two we're talking, Arthur walked in and took his spot in the center of the couch.

"My dad always comes to this Grand Prix." Olivia replied. Théo gave her a weird look. The two were interrupted by a reporter.

"Perfect, now that everyone is here we can start." A reporter said, "To start, Olivia, last year you performed very well here. Are you expecting a podium after the last race?"

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