Alternate Ending: Legacy 4 (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Easy there, Foster," he told her. "You really don't want to know who they are, do you?"

"Would you? Knowing that they gave you up as if you were nothing? Knowing that they didn't want you? Didn't even care enough to come clean once you came to the Lost Cities?"

He studied her for a moment. "No," he said at last. "No, I wouldn't want to know. But maybe...maybe we could find out without you, and just give that information straight to the matchmakers without telling you who they are?"

Ro let out an exasperated sigh, but they both ignored her.

"No," Sophie admitted. "It's almost worse to think about my friends knowing and me still being in the dark."

"So then...what are you going to do?" He asked in a very, very quiet voice.

"I don't know," she whispered, experiencing another kind of heartache as she thought about the possibility of losing Fitz.

And confusion as she thought about the fact that Fitz wasn't her only option, and Keefe was sitting right here, and he liked her--which made absolutely no sense at all because he was really cute and sweet and funny and at least half the girls in school seemed to have a crush on him, and...

"Sophie..." Keefe's voice sounded strained. "Now that you know..."

"No!" she told him. "Please, don't tell me I'm losing you."

He shook his head. "Of course not," he whispered. "I was just going to say that...I need to know if I even stand a chance." He looked down, but Sophie still saw how bright, how watery his eyes were, and knew how much it must have cost him to say that.

But how could she answer?

What could she say, when she had no idea what to think or feel now?

Or maybe that was the answer. If she was sure...really, really sure...then she probably wouldn't be this confused right now.

"I think...I think I'm really confused now," she said honestly. "And if I'm confused, then that means...maybe?"

She had so many questions. How long had he liked her? Why hadn't he told her before? Why was her heart racing and her mind imagining him closing the distance between them and...

Don't go there.

"I'll take maybe," Keefe said with a brave attempt at a smile. "And...take all the time you need. And I swear, if you stick with Fitz, I won't be upset. Or at least, I won't be angry or anything."

But a spasm of pain crossed his features and it drove her to lean forward to hug him.

His arms did not wrap around her as he sat there, very stiff, apparently even holding his breath.

"I'm sorry for this," she whispered. "I had no idea and now I'm confused and hurting you and now you won't even hug me and--"

"Shhh," he finally whispered, his arms wrapping around her at last.

It was still very stiff, was better than nothing.

Especially since the warmth that flooded through her--and the flutters that filled her stomach--told her that she definitely had cause to be confused.

"Don't feel bad, Foster," he whispered. "You were bound to figure it out eventually. And you can't feel guilty because of me," he added, scooting in and sinking more naturally into the hug at last. "It's not like it's your fault."

Sophie was trying very hard not to think about how right it felt.

She'd liked Fitz for ages. And she believed him when he said he wanted to be with her. But she was still struggling with their differing opinions on matchmaking.

It was hard to be sure of him.

But she wanted to be.

But hugging Keefe like this...with him trying to comfort her even though she was the one causing him heartache...

It was So. Very. Confusing.

Keefe let out a small chuckle. "Your emotions are going haywire, Foster." Then he pulled back just enough to look at her, a sad smile on his face. "And I'm trying not to let it make me feel too hopeful."

His face was so close to hers.

And his ice blue eyes were focused on her. When their eyes locked, it was very hard to think of something to say.

Then she realized her gaze kept darting down to his lips.

He seemed to realize it too, and looked very conflicted for a moment.

He even inched his face closer to hers for just a second, and she thought he was going to kiss her.

But then he shook his head and scooted back, giving them both some breathing room. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I almost got carried away. I don't need to confuse you any more than I already have. And I really don't want to be the kind of guy who tries to kiss his best friend's girl." He looked away. "That's not fair to Fitz—to any of us."

Sophie appreciated that.

She also knew she would have let him kiss her.

She felt disappointed and ashamed of herself in equal measure.

But those gave way to embarrassment when Sandor's squeaky voice suddenly said, "Miss Foster, I think we need to get you back home."

Sophie felt her cheeks go very red—especially when Ro let out a big sigh and muttered "killjoy."

Sophie didn't know if Ro was talking to Keefe or to Sandor, but either way, Sandor was right.

She needed to go home. And sleep. And think. So she stood up and crossed over to Sandor, reaching for his hand and pulling out her home crystal.

But before leaping away, she locked eyes with Keefe again. "Give me some time to...I don't know, wrap my head around how much has changed. Just...don't give up on me okay?"

She didn't want him to move on. Which was...pretty telling.

But also very perplexing.

Keefe's smile was genuinely warm—and openly hopeful—as he responded, "I'm not going anywhere, Sophie. Whenever you're ready...whatever you decide...I'm right here. And I'm not giving up hope."

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