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Screams and laughter were heard from the mental asylum, though it was not unusual, the sound, at least for this time, was actually caused for a very different reason.

Wang Zixin, a former psychiatrist, now falsely framed mentally ill patient, was the source of the entire ruckus happening in the hospital. What a shame, that once glorious and multi-talented assassin is now a falsely claimed mental patient.

Wang Zixin was once born with a silver spoon in mouth, he was a child who was cherished and loved, no one as in no one was as happiest as Wang Zixin once was. But you know the saying; all the good things must come to an end.

So, just like that, Wang Zixin's luck ended when he was six, with a certain individual entering his house's threshold, Minghao Ping, his great, wonderful, beautiful, and all of the synonyms of these words, brother. His mother Wen Quishan and father Ling Hua, had once went out on a walk and had then found Minghao Ping at the park suffering from severe cold.

They had taken pity on him and had brought him home and treated him, and in the process got attached to him so they just adopted him.
After Minghao Ping became his brother, he was quite happy, not knowing that he will be the one who will bring all the miseries on him.

The world became a living hell for Wang Zixin after Minghao Ping entered his life; Minghao Ping was considered a very fragile child. People in Wang Zixin's house who used to take care of him completely forgot about him. Of course his parents won't forget about him right? Right?
And just like most of you thought they forgot about him, their eyes were only for one person, and that person was as you have guessed Minghao Ping. Days passed by and no one saw that their own son was getting abandoned, when a kidnapper, kidnapped Wang Zixin they first thought that Minghao Ping was kidnapped, why? Well Minghao Ping lied and the kidnapper told them they had abducted their son. So the first thought was of course their adopted ones.

Wang Zixin begged and begged, but the kidnappers did not let him go. They sold him to an assassination gang, where he was trained cruelly to the point that he became the most successful assassin in the world. He was kidnapped when he was eight years old, and he escaped when he was twenty years old.

Twelve years he had gone through hell, but he did not regret one bit of it. Seeing that Wang Zixin saw through his parents and gave up the hope of getting any bit of their love, the hell he suffered made him sever mysophobic and germaphobic.

Wang Zixin had studied in one of the strictest and best college ever. That school taught discipline like it is their lifeline and assassination as a job which is most essential to them.

That is why after he escaped he was able to get into a very prestigious university which was much lenient than his previous one. That university also happened to have his precious brother as one of their top students.
When Minghao Ping had learned that Wang Zixin was in the same university as him, he (Minghao Ping) did not waste a second to tell his family about Wang Zixin.

They quickly took Wang Zixin back and apologized albeit a fake one just so that Wang Zixin does not tell anyone about what happened to him.
Though it hurts his pride, Wang Zixin had been stupid back then and had thought that now they will live like a real family. He came to regret that decision after a not so long time.

After he had started living with Minghao Ping and his family, he saw that everyone still ignores him and praises Minghao Ping like a god. Hell, at first he was at least respected a bit, but now? Well everyone hates him on a whole new level.

The maids and servants look down on him and even abuse him, no one in his family even looked at him twice if such a thing happened with him. This was the bare minimum of what he experienced in the university, all the students bullied him and even the teachers looked down on him.

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