Chapter One: The Heir of Bedford

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10th of March 1424 - Troyes

Staring out of the window of her chamber, a hand resting on her bump as she considered the past few months of her life; Anne of Burgundy had never imagined that her life would work out this way. 

Her ladies worked quietly behind her as she stroked her bump and considered her life until this moment, she wondered how her father would react knowing that she had married the Duke of Bedford after everything that had happened. 

His actions and conflict with the Dauphin had marred Anne's childhood for as long as she could remember and was the reason for her father's death when he was murdered by the Dauphin's companions. 

Her father's death lead to her brother siding with the English, resulting in Anne's marriage to the older Duke of Bedford; an act that cemented relations between England and Anne's brother the Duke of Burgundy. 

The alliance was vital for continued English success in France as the Duke of Bedford had been appointed Regent of France, during the minority of his nephew, Henry VI of England, who was seven months old at the death of his father on 31 August 1422. 

Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, Anne rubbed her hand back and forth against her bump; she was more than aware of what this pregnancy meant. 

If anything happened to the young King Henry then her husband would be King of England, he would need an heir and that was why he had married the eighteen year old Anne. 

God seemed to have blessed their union and she had become pregnant early into her marriage, she had prayed hard that this child would be a boy and that she would give her husband the child that he desired so greatly. 

The House of Lancaster had been truly shaken upon the sudden death of King Henry V, leaving his two year old son on the throne of England with Catherine of Valois serving as guardian to the young king. 

"Your Grace? Is everything alright?" one of her ladies questioned approaching her, concern lacing her voice as she came up behind her sensing that something was not quite right with her mistress. 

Anne opened her eyes, she turned to look at the lady that had spoken and smiled to her knowing that she could not hide the truth forever even if she was terrified of what was to come.

Anne had been one of eight children, she had been three when her younger sister had been born and she didn't remember what it had been like when Margaret had birthed her sister. 

Out of the eight children that Margaret of Bavaria had only one of them had been a son, the rest were all daughters and Anne feared what would happen if she had a girl. 

All her husband talked about was having his perfect male heir and she didn't know what was going to happen if she didn't give him that which he desired. 

Anne had barely seen her husband since their wedding day, he was busy with the English gaining more land in France and fighting this war than he was about getting to know his new bride but that was okay with her. 

"I am well thank you Catherine," Anne stated with a nod of her head, she was more than sure that her confinement was coming to an end but she didn't wish to alert anyone before it was time. 

Her husband already had a bastard son from what Anne knew, although she had not come into contact with the child that her husband supported who was known as Richard of Bedford around the house. 

Anne didn't know who the mother was nor did she care, she did not wish to lay eyes on the child that could one day be a rival for her own. 

Looking back out of the window, Anne wondered what her own child would be like; would they look like her or would they favour their father in looks, she prayed that they would be strong and healthy. 

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