the three Girls

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No one pov

You were at a famous bar with your 'friends' for your 18th birthday which was a very important moment for you so you decided that you should get as wasted as possible it was your birthday and what could go wrong you had your friends that'll protect you if anything goes wrong, they wouldn't leave you right?...

**2 hours after you went in the bar**

By that time you were completely wasted and your friends too well you wouldn't have known since they had left you a long time ago... But you were too drunk to even remember that your 'friends' were supposed to be here after 2 more shots the bar closed and it was late like 1.34 am. With no friends, transport or phone since your 'friends' stole it you were left to wander the rich streets of Vinten alone. In the dark...

Until you saw a great light in the distance, it was a hotel a very well-known one indeed it was called the 'Gold Town Hotel' and it lived up to its name since most of the things in there were made out of gold but of course, this was one of the most expensive hotels in the world but you didn't care you were too drunk to care so you ran across the streets 3 blocks to the right and you were finally in front of the shining hotel.

As you came inside the hotel the staff looked at you with strange faces since you stumbled and tripped as you made yourself to the receptionist it was obvious that you were extremely drunk but of course, you didn't care since what you cared about right now was just a place where you could rest your head which had a raging headache by that time. Finally, you reached the reception and blabbered some words but fortunately, the receptionist could understand you since she had already dealt with this type of person before drunk people who probably won't be able to pay the bill.

"here. Room 2c third floor, and don't worry if theirs other people inside we are kind of crowded right now and they said that they won't mind another person" the receptionist said as she handed you the key.

A quick insight into the hotel:
You see the hotel may have been incredibly expensive and that means rich people who want to waste their money come from all over the world and this hotel it's expensive to make so it has a very limited number of rooms but it won't matter not many people are rich enough to afford this place the only times they're crowded is just one special event like new year's but today wasn't new year's or something like. The only reason they were crowded was because some rich guy decided to invite his 58 friends! to the hotel

Anyway, you mumbled a thank you and went to the third floor and in front of your room door, as you opened the door you could hear a voice, a female voice and another

"I want to go shopping NOW!" a bratty voice shouted

"babe it's 1.45 am No shop is open at this time, "a calmer female voice said

You heard a 'hmph' as you opened the door.

When you opened the door the room went quiet and all three girls stared at you, one of the more boyish and goth-looking girls bit her lip and approached you

"so this is the girl that'll be staying with us? She's cute~" the girl said seductively "My name is Goth but you can call me Mommy, what yours?"

"yn and I'm not flirting with ya," you said grumpily "Now where's my room I need rest"

"a grumpy one huh?" goth said still keeping her seductive tone "Fine I'll talk to you in the morning when you're more normal, and the room is the third one in the hallway"

You quickly head to the room and fall unconscious on your bed.

With the girls

"she hot, goddamm," Goth said

"goth you didn't even let us say anything to her it's just you and your horny self, hmph!" the bratty girl argues

"aw, I'm sorry babe but she's just too hot I can't help myself" Goth responds

"goth does have a point" the girl with the calm tone says

"finally at least Kate agrees with me," Goth says with a huff "Thanks babe"

"huh? What! this is completely unfair it's a 2v1, pathetic" The girl with a bratty tone exclaims

"aw come on Vinny I know you think she's hot too," Goth says as she bites her lip again

"what no!" Vinny argues

Goth gives Vinny a look that says 'I know you think the same too'

"ok fine, maybe a little bit, but nothing much!"Vinny admits turning her face crimson-red

"so we all come to an agreement that she's hot?" goth says

The other two girls nod

"so we'll try to hit on her tomorrow"

The other two girls nod again

"I'm hitting on her first tho," Goth says as she licks her lips

"nuh uh" Vinny responds

"yes uh"
"nuh uh"
"yes uh!"

The girls keep arguing until Goth stops and says

"oh, so you want to make it a competition huh?"

"it's on," Vinny says with a smug smile.

They both go to their room to get ready to win you over tomorrow and Kate just sighs at their stupidness

(a/n:so this was the first actual chapter and I hope you liked It 😁
Word count:930)

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