Chapter 7

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Last night after the ride with Kyler and Jace, I did indeed take my shower where I masturbate while in the shower, and I got off thinking of Jace. I'm not ashamed of this, but would I admit this out loud to anyone, especially Jace? Fuck no. I would imagine Jace is aware that I did this, and that he was the inspiration on what I did.

I've been up since four because I want to come out to help with working the ranch. I'm just going to avoid being alone with Axel because of yesterday. I'm dressed in a pair of dark blue Wrangler jeans, a pair of black work boots, a white tank top, and a long black long sleeve shirt over the tank top. I'm wearing the tank top in case I become hot later, and then I can take the long sleeve shirt off.

Right now, all of us minus mama and Willa, are sitting around the huge table, having breakfast together. Robert made pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs, and he said he's gonna make mama and Willa this same breakfast when they're awake later this morning.

"Raven, I'm glad you want to help us around here," Kyle praises with a wide smile toward me, and I can't help the dark blush that coats my entire body.

"I figure if I'm gonna live here, I need to help, too, To justify my living here," I whisper shyly before taking a small bite of crispy bacon.

Kyle doesn't answer, so I lift my eyes from the plate in front of me to look at him curiously, and he's frowning at me; "Did I say something wrong?"

"Raven, you don't have to help to "justify you living here"," Kyle answer gently. "I would never ask you to leave, or force you to leave, if you don't help around here."

"I know, but I still wanna help around here as much as I possibly can," I whisper, avoiding his gaze because I don't honestly believe this, and I don't want to push my luck with Kyle or mama.

Kyle doesn't say any more, but by the look on his face, I don't think he fully believes my answer. When everyone has finished breakfast, the nine of us leave the table for outside, and where we're supposed to start working. Kyle told us near the end of breakfast where he wants everyone today. I'm working with Kyler, Jace and Morgan in the horse barn, and we're supposed to brush the horses, take them to the corral, and then muck out the stalls, and restock the stalls with fresh water.

"Okay, we're gonna have you brush Talia," Kyler tells me with a smile as he grabs a brush which he hands me. "She'll be the horse we teach you to ride as she's amazing with new riders."

Blushing lightly while taking the brush with my right hand, I follow behind him to Talia's stall. Kyler unlocks the stall door, pulling it open, and gesturing for me to enter ahead of him. Tentatively stepping into her stall area, she softly neigh's at me, and I grin while bringing my left hand up to softly pet her snout.

"Hello, Talia," I murmur with a grin as I scan over her large body.

"I think you and her will be just fine together, so I'm gonna leave you to brush her while I brush Tomas in the next stall over," Kyler says, and he oddly sounds proud to me as he walks out of Talia's stall for the one to the right.

Ignoring everything and everyone around me, I start brushing the white and tan fur of the horse while softly speaking with her; "You're very beautiful, and I hope one day you'll let me ride you. I promise to be kind and gentle when that day comes, which I hope is sooner rather than later. Are you okay with me riding you?"

Talia softly neighs as I work around her large body. When I reach her backside, I carefully walk around her with my right hand trailing her fur as I make my to her other side. Finishing this task about fifteen minutes later, I lead her out to the corral, and reenter the barn to ask which horse I can brush next.

"You can brush Whiskey," Jace answers, gesturing with his right hand to the horse in the stall across from him.

"Why is he named Whiskey?" I ask with a soft chuckle, opening the stall door after unlocking the latch, and stepping inside.

"His fur is the color of whiskey," Kyler answers with a fond smile towards the horse and me. "I was ten when we got him, and dad let me name him. My granddad, Kent, used to drink whiskey, and his fur and hair color made me think of the alcohol that granddad used to drink."

"That's so cool," I reply with a bright smile toward Kyler. "So, is Whiskey your horse?"

Kyler nods once, and I hum loud enough for him to hear me acknowledge his answer as I start working. When we have finished brushing out the six horses, and all of them are in the corral, we start mucking out the stalls. When the last horse was lead into the corral, Jace had shut the half fence, blocking the horses from reentering the barn.

Even though mucking out the stalls is kinda gross, I definitely find it relaxing, despite none of us really talking to each other while we worked. I like being able to work, feeling like I'm actually contributing, and love being able to become lost in my thoughts as I work. I find this relaxing, and I enjoy being able to think about whatever is on my mind at the time.

By noon, everyone is back in the main house, sitting around the table eating the simple, yet delicious sandwiches that Robert and mama made. Lunch consisted on the sandwiches, potato chips, a drink, and a small, individual bowl of blueberries and strawberries.

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