Chapter Twenty-Nine | Bane Agent.

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People always wonder why the werewolves worship her.


Heaven's mistress.

What's so special about her?

How is she so powerful?

She's the moon, she's the darkness, she's the mother. A mother of emotions, a Goddess of power, a pillar of celestial femininity.

She has companions, tools, her essence in the earthly realms. Water is her protector, she wears crystals as jewellery, she bathes in milk. Her voice woos nature, her body attracts goodness, her hands heal. Every wolf in the world is a creation of Luna's dance, the dance that keeps the planet safe and lets her be sheltered under Luna's care.

Her beautiful, midnight hair and lightning eyes fall in love with those illuminating, striking golden ones. She is held by the sun, adored by the sun, a lover of the sun like no other. 

She watches over all mates. She protects all mates. She listens to all mates.
She is like Cupid, bringing people together with their other halves, bringing them closer to love.

When she watches you, no one can destroy you.

She is ethereal. 

She is otherworldly.

Oh, and she can kill you.

She enables nobody's gut to kill you. But that just only means she can.

Why do you think werewolves are lethal? Why do you think werewolves can be one of the most primal and dangerous creatures out there? Why do you think werewolves have Lycans as their ancestors?

You thought they were that out of instinct?

Oh nah.

How wrong could you be?

They are like that because of her.

Because as much as we love to talk about her, as much as we love to feel her, as much as we love to hear about her, there is a side of her we can't ignore. A side of her that will always remain, a side of hers that is in everyone.

The Shadow.

The Warrior. The Destroyer. The Evil Side of Beauty.

The Goddess of Death. Unconsciousness. Sexuality.

And when that side of Luna watches you, protects you, listens to you, you're fucked.

Beda was fucked. 

Lydo was fucked.

Because when Lilith watches over you, the omnipresent dark moon, you're royally fucked.

Your love story won't be so easy, your journey won't be easy at all, because she pushes your ugly side out of you. She triggers your Shadow to act. She triggers the worst part of you to appear first. She pushes the evil, the fear, the anger, the ego inside of you to destroy you.

She destroys you. 

Because only destruction can bring creation.

And only when you conquer destruction, will you find liberation with your mate on the other side. Only when you conquer destruction, will you master your Shadow.

Only when you master your Shadow, can you protect each other.

It is unfair.

It will be so unfair.

Cruelly, unfair.

It will be painful.

And yet, the relationships watched over Lilith are way more powerful than Luna's. Because the Shadow is the only thing that stops us from growing, from living, from seeking. And Lilith has full control over your Shadow.

Zane | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now